Recent content by Volos

  1. V


    Character's Name: Volos Character's Birthdate: Unknown Species: House elf Appearance: Basic elf look, only very old, ancient with mean, beady eyes Personality: Coming soon Family: None, family died a long time ago. Volos no longer remembers their name History: Coming soon
  2. V

    A Shining Dark Light

    Volos continued to read the information, learning more than any house elf should. He read on wars, Herpo the Foul, everything else. Volos was exhausted but he continued to serve his Master. Volos looked toward his Master, when Master imposed a question upon him. If this was a waste of time...
  3. V

    The Journey Continues

    Volos stopped in his tracks as he was leaving, and put his bony fingers to the doorway. The elf bowed his head, and he said, "Volos understands, Mistress. Mistress can never be weak. Not in desperate times." Volos knew that now called it, the desperate times with Master not being around. He...
  4. V

    The Journey Continues

    Volos studied Mistress slowly, taking in everything she was doing, seeing her reaction and what not. Volos knew that one day, Master would no longer be within the safety of the Manor, and he would no longer be at his Master's side. It worried him greatly, as he never wanted to part with Master...
  5. V

    The Journey Continues

    Volos looked down at his bloody bandages and he did not even bother explaining himself. It was self-explanatory. It was heal eventually. Volos was a house elf, he was sure that things would do fine. He might be the best servant in the household, but that was because he reigned over the other...
  6. V

    The Journey Continues

    It had been even longer since Volos had watched his Master fail in his potion. Right now, he had been told to get some tea for Master, and he had run out of supplies. Before he would get the tea for his Master, he must visit with his Mistress. Volos had stabbed his hands for punishment because...
  7. V

    The Journey Continues

    Like the ancient elf predicted, the potion failed miserably. There was no such thing as a potion of immortality, just one of luck. His eyes looking down, Volos' mind started to roll. He had to tell someone why Master was down here, searching for something that seemed hopeless without a great...
  8. V

    The Journey Continues

    Shamefully, Volos was disappointing his Master. Centuries upon centuries had he and his ancestors served the great and noble Zhefarovich family, the only family his loyalties rested. No one dare to say a word against them lest they be punished with powerful magic he possessed. Volos nearly had a...