Recent content by Victoria de Lacey

  1. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed You were good!

    Tori was excited that they had duelled and she beamed at Sybil, rocking back on her heels a little as she spoke. “Great! Then you should train really haed because I definitely will!” She told her, with a grin, enjoying that they could be competitive together. Tori had always been a competitive...
  2. Victoria de Lacey

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Tori was a little annoyed that she hadn’t addressed Professor Edogawa and he’d gone out of his way to talk to her anyway, however, she did appreciate that he wasn’t lying and did tell her that the course probably wouldn’t give her anything specifically. She took a second to frown at him before...
  3. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed Ultimate Decisions

    Tori tried to brace herself for the reactions, she knew a little about how they might react just from how Jasper had reacted, but it didn’t make hearing them any easier at all. Lilith’s panic, Eoghan’s silence, Felix’s bluntness, and Susie’s barely concealed distress - it all hit her at once...
  4. Victoria de Lacey

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Tori wasn’t a muggleborn but both of her parents were so she felt like she had a pretty good understanding of what was what in the muggle world, as well as in the magical one. Having lived sort of between them for most of her life. Whilst her mother did live in the magical world, she was still...
  5. Victoria de Lacey

    Happy birthday Verity!

    Happy birthday!!!
  6. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed All's Fair

    The issue wasn’t that she wanted to leave, it was more that she felt like she had to. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to explain that to her friends though who all probably felt like she was skipping out on them mostly because she could have said no, and she didn’t. How could she say no...
  7. Victoria de Lacey

    Second Years Lesson Two

    The more spells she learned, the more eager she was to learn them, and honestly maybe that was a good thing, though it didn’t help with her ability to take in the information any easier. She still wasn’t the best at actually studying, she still required Eoghan or Lili for that. Sometimes she...
  8. Victoria de Lacey

    The Stands

    "YEAH LILI! WOOOOO GO LILI! WOOOOOOO!" She supposed she could be subtle about it, but Lili was her best friend, one of her best friends, she wasn't going to pretend she didn't want her best friend to get the Snitch, even if she was up against Gryffindor. She liked Teddy well enough she supposed...
  9. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed You were good!

    Tori was both glad and sad she’d lost her duel. Mostly she was glad it was over because she felt like it had taken a lot out of her, but she’d certainly learned a lot, definitely enough to take her into next year with something to think about at least and she hoped she could learn somethings in...
  10. Victoria de Lacey

    Dueling Match #20

    Current Points: 55 Tori could almost see an end to this whole thing, it had to be over soon, right? She wasn't sure she could handle it going on for much longer, it had already gone longer than she would have thought that it would. She quickly blocked Sybil's spell, before copying her lead and...
  11. Victoria de Lacey

    Dueling Match #20

    Current Points: 65 The duel was still dragging on, it was hard to concentrate so hard on these spells when her head was throbbing. She almost missed the next spell, but she managed to block it just as it came at her before trying to stun Sybil with "Stupefy!" Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2 Point...
  12. Victoria de Lacey

    Second Years, Lesson Two

    Tori liked Defence the class, for the most part, but she didn’t like Professor Waldgrave or his clearly unhinged ideals when it came to learning in the classroom. She wasn’t sure, after furst year, and understanding more about magic, that she agreed with a Professor casting spells on students...
  13. Victoria de Lacey

    Dueling Match #20

    Current Points: 75 Was this what every duel was like? She was learning a lot sure, but she was also getting a little tired. Having to think of do many spells was killing her. She shielded from the next spell, knee reversing hex, nasty, and quickly countered with the Slug vomiting curse. Ew...
  14. torifaye2.png


  15. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed Breaking the news

    Tori wasn’t sure what to say as she wanted Jasper, his reaction unexpected. “Well, that’s not-” she wasn’t leaving because of the Kiwis, or she wasn’t not leaving because of the Kiwis, she supposed, there was just a lot of stuff going on in her life right now that she needed to sort of get away...