Recent content by Valente Espinosa

  1. Valente Espinosa

    Closed Champagne Problems

    Valente hadn't been keeping count of his drinks, didn't know how many he had when he finally checked his watch to see it was almost ten, but when he walked to the lobby to meet Emery he had to admit he felt a familiar haze over his consciousness. He was tipsy, to say the least, feeling a warmth...
  2. Valente Espinosa

    Closed Champagne Problems

    Valente looks away as soon as Emery looks over to him, his face flushing slightly in embarrassment that he might have been caught looking. Lingering his gaze for longer than appropriate for their situation would only cause further strain on their already strenuous circumstances, Valente's sanity...
  3. Valente Espinosa

    Closed Champagne Problems

    As Valente waited he stepped down the staircase, adjusting his cuff links that were already perfectly in place in an effort to distract himself with something that wasn't the elephant in the room or the nerves he felt. His chest was tense, and his brows furrowed in representation of his...
  4. Valente Espinosa

    Open Natural Histories

    It was a muggle museum, however still a museum, Valente mused to himself as he strolled amongst the halls of the Natural History Museum in New York. Still a museum he had chosen to spend his once-in-a-blue-moon days off because he felt he couldn't think anywhere else. All museums smelled and...
  5. Valente Espinosa

    Closed Champagne Problems

    Valente's apprehension shows mostly in his hands. The irritating action of applying the cuff links he detested to each sleeve, the knotting and undoing, and eventual coming together of his messy tie as he attempts to piece himself together. To piece together a semblance of an appearance to...
  6. Valente Espinosa

    Valente Dariel Espinosa

    VALENTE DARIEL ESPINOSA BASIC INFO; i do not know why i would go, in front of you and hide my soul 'cause you're the only one who knows it, yeah, you're the only one who knows it VALENTE Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Valens and Valentine, meaning "strong, vigorous, healthy" in...