Recent content by Timothy Bright-Root

  1. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    Timothy nodded at the other man's suggestion, eyes brightening at the thought. "That's an excellent idea, your assistance would be much appreciated." He smiled, relieved that he hadn't completely overstepped with the request. He was a little surprised when the other man told him where he...
  2. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    Timothy was relieved when the conversation turned to a subject he knew more about, nodding slightly. "I've been meaning to experiment with lavender coffee, actually. And pretty much any herbs are always useful for the bakery." Timothy mused on the subject, reassessing the usefulness of this...
  3. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    Timothy was pleased that Corvin seemed happy with the coffee grounds, though he was stopped a little in his tracks when the other man asked what kind of flowers he liked. It wasn't something Timothy had ever thought about before, and now that the subject had come up he didn't really know what...
  4. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    As the other man tried to speak, Timothy felt he finally had an answer to his question about the note. He had never really minded when people stuttered, he was certainly prone to it himself when flustered, but he could understand someone feeling less comfortable speaking around strangers...
  5. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    Timothy tried to hide his surprise when the man from next door opened the conversation by speaking out loud. "Oh, you can speak." He commented without thinking, panic flashing through his eyes a moment later as he realised he had actually said that. Timothy cleared his throat quickly, shaking...
  6. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    Timothy could see through the trellis just well enough to see his neighbour writing him a note of all things, rather than just... answering his question. He felt oddly numb as he took it, wondering what was keeping this strange man from just answering his question. Was he mute in some way...
  7. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    Timothy didn't know what he had expected from the man next door, but running like a frightened mouse certainly wasn't it. He had even squeaked. Wondering idly who hired such an easily startled person to work in retail, Timothy returned indoors to sort out his box of menus, double checking for...
  8. Timothy Bright-Root

    Closed Neighbors

    Every day, Timothy considered reconsidering this entire thing. He was in well, well over his head. It had seemed like a good idea at the time - his uncle owned a chain of cafes, he was looking for a manager for a new branch, Timothy was out of work and needed something stable. But now it was...