Recent content by Tiara Thornton

  1. T

    Banner and Ava[C]

    No Problem ^_^
  2. T

    Plot for Meminger

    [i]Hey Emma ^_^ Tiara's one of those girls that's like a 10p mixture, you never know what you're going to get with her. Although she's always the same girl, she chooses who she wants to be friends with, who she'll be nice too, and who she wont. She'll open up to people for no reason at all, and...
  3. T

    Tiara's signature - Toni[C]

    [i]Toni those are amazing :o :wub: Thank you soo much :glomp: ^_^ . Now, the hard part, trying to decide which to use :rolleyes: .
  4. T

    Tiara's signature - Toni[C]

    I love your banners and avatars ^-^ ! Character's Name: Tiara Thornton Name Of Celebrity: Vanessa Anne Hudgens <3 Images: (Try to get the images for the blend with similar background images or at least from the same photoshoot): Any pictures from this photoshoot =D or this one =D or this one =D...