Recent content by Thomas Jusantrea

  1. Thomas Jusantrea

    Happy birthday Verity!

    Happy Birthday, Verity!! :party:
  2. Thomas Jusantrea

    Happy birthday Sofija!

    Happy Birthday!! :party::party:
  3. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Big trouble

    Thomas loved that she was playing with his hair. His wife's next actions were predictable, because he knew his beloved wife too well. Therefore, he stepped back from Allison. "I wasn't going to offer you that at all, because I knew exactly what your answer would be." he refused. "Allison, I...
  4. Thomas Jusantrea

    Happy Birthday Daphne!!!!!

    Happy birthday Daphne!! ^_^ :party:
  5. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Big trouble

    Thomas stood looking at his wife, even though she already knew he was hiding something, Allison knew him too well. He tried not to show any unnecessary emotions that would betray him even more. "There was a lot of work in the department today," he answered his wife's question. Then came the...
  6. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Big trouble

    A few days ago, Thomas had received the news from his agent that he had to go on tour for two months, it was of course unexpected, because he vowed to put his musician's career aside for the next few years to focus on his family. Also, now that he's starting his dream job, he hasn't written much...
  7. Thomas Jusantrea

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Thomas held Allison's hands and listened as the priest began his speech about love and marriages that should be maintained and tried to be preserved. He listened and looked at his future wife. "I love you," he said quietly. It was necessary to wait about five minutes, when the priest finished...
  8. Thomas Jusantrea

    St. Mungo's Staff

    Name: Thomas Jusantrea Position Held: Healer (Works at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in the treatment for potions and plant poisoning department.)
  9. Thomas Jusantrea

    ✍️ HNZ Community signature ✍️

    Also me please!! :wub:
  10. Thomas Jusantrea

    Happy Birthday HNZ!

    Happy Birthday to HNZ!! :party: :pop:
  11. Thomas Jusantrea

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Thomas stood nervously with slightly trembling hands, then turned towards the alley where he would soon see the love of his life. He had to pinch himself a couple of times to really make sure they were getting married. It took a long time for them to take this step, because Allison rejected the...
  12. Thomas Jusantrea

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Thomas chuckled softly because Abner was the kind of person he could count on even more than his father. Abner had become like a father to Thomas. If it weren't for him, then he and Allison wouldn't be together. ''It's definitely nervous knowing she. That would be nice, but I hope they won't be...
  13. Thomas Jusantrea

    Anonymous Compliments 2024

    Thank you for the compliments!! There was an unexpected surprise for the compliment. Many thanks to the sender. :wub::hug: