Recent content by Theodore Lacroix

  1. Theodore Lacroix

    Nightfall at Beauxbatons

    It had been a tough year for Theodore, and he was happy for the chance to just unwind and have some fun with his team. Being a captain was more work than he had thought, and not stressing over his role, on top of all of his exams, was a nice change. He sat in the circle on cushions, idly...
  2. Theodore Lacroix

    Y34 Beauxbatons Quidditch Try-Outs

    Theodore did not feel prepared to take on the responsibility of captain, but reassurance came in knowing he wouldn't have to do it alone. The young blonde greeted Fletcher with a nervous smile, idly fiddling with the whistle hanging loosely around his neck while they waited for the others to...
  3. Theodore Lacroix

    Y33 Beauxbatons Try-outs

    Theodore was, once again, trying out for the position of seeker. Just as he'd done over the past few years. By now, he'd hoped he'd have been able to prove himself a decent player. He felt like a key member of the core team. He'd made a lot of friends, and learned a lot through the years of...
  4. Theodore Lacroix

    Y32 Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Theodore was, as always, looking forward to the practice. Every opportunity to play with the team, whether anything official or just for the fun of it, was alright in his book. He felt so much more accomplished every time he caught a snitch than he ever did from receiving a rare Outstanding...
  5. Theodore Lacroix

    Y32 Beauxbatons Quidditch Try-Outs

    Theodore was pretty bummed by the fact they hadn't gotten to have a match against HNZ, despite all of the hard work they put into practicing for it. He hoped this year would be a lot better, overall, and that in any case all of the work put in now would pay off when he graduated and could maybe...
  6. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Theodore wanted a second catch in the space of the practice, but already the snitch had whizzed far from him. The boy scoured the skies for the telltale glint, to no avail, but was soon joined by Grace, which he appreciated. The more defense he had against any incoming bludgers, the better.
  7. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Fulke seemed to be the bludger target today, which gave Theodore some relief. It was the second time the captain had been hit, but it was also the second time Theo hadn't, so he was pretty happy about it. Turning his attention away from the bludgers, the young seeker focused on the one ball in...
  8. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Theodore had caught sight of the snitch a couple of times, but it was always gone and quickly as it had come. The boy was struggling to keep track of it, not just due to how fast the small orb was, but because his attention was equally on the bludgers. Straight into the match, Brendan had been...
  9. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    The snitch had flown away much faster than Theodore had expected it to, after being caught. Already the boy had lost sight of it, as he finally roused himself from his brief stupour to continue flying. He needed to put a lot more work in if he were going to impress Brendan and Elvira. She latter...
  10. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Theodore was as ready as he could have been for this practice. There was still this doubt, or worry, that he wasn't going to be able to do as well as he had in the past, and wouldn't be considered for the team in future, but he could only try his best and see what happened. Joining the others...
  11. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    It was comforting to have Elvira come over and help him, despite how embarrassing it was to be seen like this. Theodore took a few slow, deep breaths, feeling slightly better. The pain was dulling down pretty quickly, the shock of the impact set him off more than anything, and now that he'd had...
  12. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    There was no escaping the bludgers. Theodore should have known this, but he'd hoped he'd be safe this practice, and that after the last he wouldn't be targeted again. The reality of how silly that hope was hit him in the form of an iron ball, coming out of nowhere despite how hard he'd tried to...
  13. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Blissfully unaware of the fact Maia was targetting him, Theodore continued his merry search of the snitch, to no avail.
  14. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Theodore continued his zig-zagging through the air, keeping an eye out for the metallic glint of the snitch, or a bludger. It seemed he was safe for now, and for that he was glad, but it felt like only a matter of time before he'd take a bludger hit.
  15. Theodore Lacroix

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

    Theodore continued on his merry way around the pitch, periodically wiping droplets of rain from his hands to keep them as dry as possible for the snitch, if he were to find it. He really wanted to get it first again, and beat Elvira, but he didn't think it would be possible. He'd just gotten...