Tanith Whitlock's latest activity

  • Tanith Whitlock
    Tanith Whitlock replied to the thread Closed New.
    Tanith settled in with her own food, taking tiny bites and looking around. "Let's make a deal then," She offered, finding it easier to...
  • Tanith Whitlock
    Tanith Whitlock replied to the thread Closed New.
    Tanith let out a little breath and scooted closer. She'd unknowingly latched onto Thomas. "There are so many people," She told him...
  • Tanith Whitlock
    Tanith Whitlock replied to the thread Closed New.
    Tanith smiled, honestly feeling a touch of home as he told her his name. "Thomas? I like that," She spoke without thinking, before...
  • Tanith Whitlock
    Tanith was excited when she heard there was going to be a tour- she was definitely eager for something like that, not wanting to get...
  • Tanith Whitlock
    As she was sorted, Tanith found a seat quickly at the Hufflepuff table, sitting with other kids her age. She was quiet, watching...