Savannah Walters's latest activity

  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Seventh Years: Lesson 3.
    Savannah walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. SHe glanced towards the professor as the man...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced towards the professor as the man got...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Duelling Tournament Y48.
    Dueling Tournament Y48: Round 3 - Yrs 3-7 Match Number Year Participants Link Proctor Winner Dueling Match #39 Third Sunny Day...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She looked at the professor as the man got started. She...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah walked into the astronomy classroom and took her spot in the room. She took out her books and notes and began writing down what...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Seventh Years: Lesson 2.
    Savannah walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah walked into the herbology classroom and took her spot in the room. She looked up at the professor and then raised an eyebrow at...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Y48 Dueling Match #32.
    Current Points: 130 Savannah was very glad when her spell landed. She was easily able to block his and watched him just for a moment as...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Y48 Dueling Match #32.
    Current Points: 140 Savannah blocked the spell that came towards her, and was glad he stayed silent. She then non-verbally cast the...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Y48 Dueling Match #32.
    Current Points: 150 Savannah had been disappointed that she wouldn't get to duel against Anisha, but she'd take Elio. She glanced at him...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah felt like she was the most surprised by the move. This was her last game. But sure, sure, they could just go with the other...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Duelling Tournament Y48.
    Dueling Tournament Y48: Round 2 - Yrs 3-Profs Match Number Year Participants Link Proctor Winner Dueling Match #28 Third Sofi...
  • Savannah Walters
    There was quite a bit riding on this, and Savannah knew she had to do her best, had to be the best. She stood on the pitch looking...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah Walters replied to the thread Closed A Date For Once.
    Savannah looked at Zerrin as he approached and to the outfit he was wearing. She'd always known his family was Scottish, but she didn't...
  • Savannah Walters
    Savannah could at long last say she had a date to the dance. She knew though that this was not a date date, but as friends. Truly she...