Recent content by Sapphira Blacklord

  1. S

    Charms gone Bad

    As the whether in Durmstrang continued to be glum and overcast with dark clouds, Sapphira slowly and aimlessly made her way across the school grounds, kicking a small rock with the front of her old, black Converses. The fourth had finished most of the studying she had for the day, and just as...
  2. S

    Treasure Hunt

    Sapphira laughed, she couldn't help it, Aleister was just so funny and good at making her laugh, even in the danger they were in. Well, she didn't really think of it much as danger, but still, the strange circumstance that they had been dropped in, being chased by a thug and all. "Who even...
  3. S

    Treasure Hunt

    Her heart was still racing, and Sapphira noticed that her palms were sweaty when she clamped them over her mouth to stifle a yawn. Sometimes she got tired like this when she'd had a big day and hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, and with Aleister she always seemed to have a big day. It...
  4. S

    Treasure Hunt

    Sapphira could tell just by looking at his face that Aleister was amazed by her actions, and so was she to say, by she knew that Aleister would have been hurt had she not done what was called for. Which was kicking the boy. And now adrenaline was coursing through her veins faster than a river or...
  5. S

    Treasure Hunt

    It all happened quite fast, and poor Sapphira was still sitting on the ground in shock. Had this really just pushed her? Over a sandwich for Merlin's sake! Sapphira shook her head and blinked wildly. It was times like this that she wished she'd just stayed in bed, at least in bed she couldn't...
  6. S

    Treasure Hunt

    Sapphira's happiness and relief at not having to cook was short lived, as she swore she could hear Aleister's gut rumbling still. She didn't dare turn, hoping that he wouldn't bring up his hunger again, and felt her stomach flip. She didn't like cook, there were other thing she preferred much...
  7. S

    Treasure Hunt

    The terrible feeling in the Durmstrang girl's stomach grew and grew with each step towards the kitchen they took, until she felt terribly sick. Aleister seemed to find this quite amusing, as he laugh and continued to pull her closer and closer to the kitchen. She didn't blame him for not...
  8. S

    Treasure Hunt

    The Durmstrang girl often relished in the times when she was right, when she could wipe the smirks off people's faces when she was correct and of course they were wrong. But now she dreaded the very idea of being right. Aleister was looking at her with excitement and mischief in his eyes...
  9. S

    Treasure Hunt

    Sapphira watched, her eyebrows raised and her smirk in firm place as the boy in front of her started acting out as scene as if she had just killed him, fake tears and everything, his hand clutching the wall and his back turned to her. Sapphira tried hard not to laugh, but Aleister seemed to have...
  10. S

    Sapphira Blacklord

    Sapphira Blacklord </SIZE></COLOR>You Court On Me Like 1 2 3, I'll be there. And I Know When I Need It, I Can Court On You Like 4 3 2, And You'll Be There Cus That's What Friends Are Suppose To Do!<i></i> <COLOR color="#5a70b3"> <SIZE size="150">Friends Best Friends: You are my soul mate, my...
  11. S

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Slate for sure!! ;)
  12. S

    Treasure Hunt

    As she searched for Aleister, Sapphira couldn't help but let her mind wonder to her holidays. She spent then at the Manor with Jace and Alleara, spending most of her time reading or just staring out of a far off window. It had been raining for most of the days, and she lived so far away from...
  13. S

    Treasure Hunt

    The Durmstrang Girl was bored and looking for something to do. She'd just come from lunch In the Great Hall and now wondered around, seeing people that she knew but not wanting to hang out with any of them. She was bored, but didn't know what she wabted to do, all she knew was who she wanted to...
  14. S

    Just a Bad Day

    Sapphira was startled as she felt the water flashing at her face, and laughed at Aleister as he splashed more and more water at her. She knew that he was trying to lighten the mood, to make her laugh, and she was glad for it. She didn't want to be gloomy and sad, she wanted to keep having as...