Recent content by Saoirse Smith

  1. Saoirse Smith

    Closed Chestnut Wood and Jars of Fire

    Saoirse hated everything about the house she was sorted into, really included the school itself to be honest, since she didn't want to be here at all. She'd only been forced there because her stupid brother couldn't keep his mouth shut and had gotten them all involved in something that was...
  2. Saoirse Smith

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  3. Saoirse Smith

    Y36 Sorting Reactions

    I love Rowan house posts - you're as enthusiastic with deep dives as I am, I'm sure we could chat for hours based on house traits and sorting, though the only thing that really gets me sometimes is I think people tend to sort more on personality traits over values, which is what it was supposed...
  4. Saoirse Smith

    Y36 Sorting Reactions

    When I'm not sorting a heck tonne of characters, I get really, really in depth, but its hard to do nine times ahaha. I've argued for houses that seem completely inappropriate on the outside, but seeing the inner workings of a characters has made it quite clear where they should be... I just...
  5. Saoirse Smith

    Y36 Sorting Reactions

    I'm loving the official tallies people keep showing me, I can't be bothered to do it myself I'm laughing because I didn't even get a chance to post my predictions here ahaha, so I'll do it now. Nora Blythe I'm no surprised she got Hufflepuff, I was pretty sure she was going to front he...
  6. Saoirse Smith

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  7. Saoirse Smith

    Closed The Watcher

    Saoirse watched the boy curiously. She couldn't believe, first time actually outside and mingling with people, filth probably, and she runs into a curiousity. She had no knowledge of the boy of course, but she thought in interesting, especially if he were her age and possibly going to the...
  8. Saoirse Smith

    Closed The Watcher

    Saoirse was in a bit of a tizzy. She didn't know if she wanted to be going to this New Zealand school. She'd heard a bit about it from her family, but, it all seemed so silly to her. After all, she didn't see why she would go. She was staying with relatives at the moment, trying to see if she...
  9. Saoirse Smith

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Saoirse Smith

    Question Dodging

    Why is everything always about Pinterest?