Samuel Grandeur

I, Samuel Grandeur, am the son of muggle-born Slytherin and a pureblood Gryffindor. I know, what an unlikely pair. His mother is from a long lineage of Ravenclaws, rumored to be the same lineage of Rowena Ravenclaw herself. Mother didn’t care about her lineage really, she believed that everyone should forge their own destiny and not live a predetermined one. She really is a true Gryffindor, and a very bright one. Father, on the other hand, was muggle-born. He is an ambitious, clever and hardworking man. Despite his fellow Slytherins bullying and isolating him for being a muggle-born, dad always gave his best. He wasn’t discouraged, instead he went out there and showed them what he was capable of, he showed him who he was. Mother would tell me stories of when professors described him as ‘one of the best’, not only as a Slytherin wizard but as a person as well. Maybe he should’ve been in Gryffindor.
Anyway, he and mother met each other at Hogwarts, and blah blah blah. Now they have me.

I have sea green eyes, jet black hair and a strong jaw, traits I got from my father. Actually, I am the spitting image of my father. I am also rather tall for my age, if I say so myself. I am 11 years old and stand at a height of 5 ft flat. I also have an athletic body, something both my parents wanted. They said being fit is also important, magic should not be a reason to be physically inactive. My father, being muggle-born, introduced me to some muggle sports. My favorites being basketball and American football. My mother would always prefer quidditch. Father told me she was one of the best seekers in the history of Hogwarts. He said she has quite a number of trophies displayed in Hogwarts, certainly something I look forward to see during my first year.

I may look intimidating to some, but trust me I’m not gonna bite or anything. I want to have awesome friends too. I may be a bit studious, but I can also be an outgoing, sarcastic and funny guy. I enjoy going outdoors and sneaking around at night. I admit, I can be quite the rebel myself. I can prank my cousins too. I mean I managed to put some neon pink hair dye in the shampoo of my male cousins. Wonderful times indeed. There’s no need to worry or anything, you can just talk to me and we can be friends. After all, what’s life without friends?
OOC First Name

Character Information

Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status



Out of Character

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    You added an avatar! Huzzah! Take that, ZetaBoards!