Recent content by Professor Lyra Potter

  1. Professor Lyra Potter

    Sixth Years; Lesson 3

    Professor Lyra Potter sat at her desk, looking forward to today's lesson. A number of water glasses sat on her desk, ready to be used in practice today. As her students filed into the class, she continued to write a letter. She quickly finished it and sat it to the side. Once they were settled...
  2. Professor Lyra Potter

    Sixth Years; Lesson 2

    Professor Potter sat at her desk, looking forward to today's lesson. A number of water glasses sat on her desk, ready to be used in practice today. As her students filed into the class, she continued to write a letter to Ezra. She quickly finished it and sat it to the side. Once they were...
  3. Professor Lyra Potter

    Sixth Years; Lesson 1

    Professor Lyra Potter walked into the classroom, knowing that she would not have as many students this year as she did fifth years with those who did not pass the OWL exam and those not continuing on in Transfiguration. She was excited to see those who were going to be moving forward in the...
  4. Professor Lyra Potter

    An Orchid Bloom

    Congratulations to all three of you! You will be fantastic!! :party:
  5. Professor Lyra Potter

    Transfiguration Schedule

    Transfiguration Schedule If you are unsure when you will attend Transfiguration, or who your professor will be, you will find the schedule below: Semester 1 Weekday Year Houses Professor Monday 7th Year All Houses Professor Lyra Potter Thursday 1st Year Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw...
  6. Professor Lyra Potter

    Thank you, Tori! Come see me and tell me about your break!

    Thank you, Tori! Come see me and tell me about your break!
  7. Professor Lyra Potter

    Well someone has to keep you in line! :p

    Well someone has to keep you in line! :p
  8. Professor Lyra Potter


    Have a great trip!
  9. Professor Lyra Potter

    Closed The only place I call home

    Lyra couldn’t help but smirk as she felt the familiar weight of Ezra Cade as he wrapped his arms around her affectionately. “I thought I’d surprise you.” she said as she turned around to face him, not breaking his embrace. “You know how I like to keep you on your toes, Ezra Cade.” the brunette...
  10. Professor Lyra Potter

    Bi-weekly Update

    Thank you for the update, Cyndi!
  11. Professor Lyra Potter

    Closed We were just kids, babe

    Lyra forgot what it was like to be around Felix. It had been such a long time since she'd been around Felix without actively trying to push him away. Actually, she had forgotten what it was even like to have a best friend. There wasn't anyone else in the world that could take his place, and it...
  12. Professor Lyra Potter

    Closed We were just kids, babe

    Lyra raised her face from the book on the table as she heard a familiar, though deeper, voice call her name. It was a voice she would recognize anywhere in any lifetime. He said her name like it was a question, but surely he recognized her, too. She didn’t think she had changed that much, had...
  13. Professor Lyra Potter

    Closed We were just kids, babe

    Lyra Potter sat at a table by the window in a muggle cafe not too far from where she lived with her husband, Ezra Cade. She had the day off from her temporary job as a professor, and there was something she wanted to do. For weeks now, Felix Urie had occupied her thoughts. Being back at the...
  14. Professor Lyra Potter

    Me either. Been thinking about you a lot lately. You’re in all of my school memories.

    Me either. Been thinking about you a lot lately. You’re in all of my school memories.
  15. Professor Lyra Potter

    Closed Blast from the past

    Lyra grinned at James and nodded her head. “We were lucky it was Aunt Cyndi. She’s forgiving, and she can keep a secret which I was grateful for.” Though Lyra certainly understood James’s position on the matter, she didn’t think she’d ever be able to say anything to her kids after everything she...