Recent content by Professor Conan Edogawa

  1. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Y48 Elective Fair

    "I... didn't know what to bring," Conan told Killian with a sigh as he settled and took a pack of playing cards to shuffle absent-mindedly. Just so he could have something to do while waiting for the students to start milling about. Last year had been relatively quiet and he'd mostly ended up...
  2. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Closed differences

    When he'd been told he could watch Hina duel, Conan hadn't quite understood what people were saying. As a matter of fact, when people kept telling him about Hina, as in his daughter Hinata Edogawa, winning the Duelling Tournament last year, he thought they'd been pulling his leg. Or that maybe...
  3. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Y48 Dueling Match #38

    Conan... didn't quite understand what he was watching. He didn't even believe it when they said that Hinata had won the Duelling Tournament last year. Just... imagining Hina in a duel was weird. And so when he was told that Hina would be duelling today for the 2nd Round, he figured he should...
  4. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Conan... hadn't really been sure how he should go about the Electives Fair this year. He didn't think last year had been a total buzz, but Cairo had already left the school and well, Killian had just joined last year. Conan wasn't really the best meter for how the Elective Fair should go, but...
  5. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Professors & Staff

    Conan Edogawa Muggle Studies 5-7
  6. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Open Watching the kids

    "Riiiiiight," Conan nodded because just as Tiziano said that it seemed that the young boy decided to kiss her again - on the lips this time. "What would you call him then?" he said as he pointed a finger towards the... well, he supposed they really would be a young couple now. This was...
  7. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Open Watching the kids

    Conan had exactly four nephews and three nieces from his twin sister. While two of the kids were still infants and could hardly do any more than cry and babble, Conan was of the opinion that his nieces were spoiled and his nephews were unhinged. And he firmly, firmly believed, that Tiziano was...
  8. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Open Watching the kids

    Conan didn't really like attending the school events. It's not that he didn't like them, it's more like he did when he was a student, and having a parent watch over you, he wasn't sure if it was ruining the experience. And it was also hard not to intervene with what was happening all around the...
  9. Professor Conan Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving What they're looking for could be found in a single rose, or a little water

    Conan had left his office a bit earlier than usual in favor of watching the chaos that was apparently called rose delivery. This certainly didn't happen back in his days. Wow. He couldn't believe he just thought that. Was he getting to be that old? Anyway, there was quite a commotion left...
  10. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Open Laces are hard

    Conan had very mixed feelings about chaperoning the school events. He wasn't particularly against it, it was just that, this had got to be awkward for his kids to have him around in the school and have him around during these events that teens would prefer not to have their parents around. It...
  11. Professor Conan Edogawa


  12. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Open wicked

    Conan rarely had reason to head to the Towers, even when he was a student. He didn't really write home when he was a student, and if he were to hang out at the North Tower, it would be to hang out with Raziel. He didn't like Astronomy, and he didn't take Divination at all. Today though, he was...
  13. Professor Conan Edogawa

    The Stands

    Conan was glad that at least this game was easy for him to choose a spot to sit. Eli had even reminded him that he didn't need to cheer for Ravenclaw since he would not be playing for the team. That left Conan free to cheer for Hufflepuff - his own house. He certainly felt like a student again...
  14. Professor Conan Edogawa

    Y48 Quidditch

    HUFFLEPUFF :emzies: