Nina felt a little like there wasn't much point trying out but she did love Quidditch when she got to play. Her father had tried to take it from her, but she would stubbornly cling to it for one last year. Maybe go and find a way to play it after school once she was free from living with her...
Nina's father had never really been happy with the whole magic thing. He'd accepted it, begrudgingly, but he wasn't exactly happy about it. However while he could accept that his wife and daughter were witches to a degree he'd never accepted flying as an acceptable past time. He ranted and raved...
Nina knew she really had to find the snitch quickly, else they'd have to forfeit by being too many players down, so she started looking somewhat frantically.
Nina, having scored a goal, now moved back over to her preferred position of seeker. Things weren't looking good, so she hoped she could catch the snitch soon.
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