Recent content by Matthew Reed

  1. M

    Now I Can't Get Over You

    Matthew's right hand cupped around the small flickering flame of his lighter as he waited - impatiently - for the cigarette that was being firmly held between his lips, to catch alight. It wasn't long however before his cigarette lit up and he just as quickly set off down the small side street...
  2. M

    A Different Kind of Shopping

    He really had no intention on creating such an atmosphere between the two strangers. But it just sort of happened and he was a little relieved that the girl added her own light humoured comment which helped let the moment pass with a lot less uncomfort than he had originally expected. Having...
  3. M

    A Different Kind of Shopping

    It was only as he studied the girls face that he realised, she too, was staring right at him which automatically made him feel slightly uncomfortable. It wasn't like he could exactly turn away from the girl, the bench was pretty small, there wasn't really anywhere to turn to and so Matthew just...
  4. M

    A Different Kind of Shopping

    Matthew had just about shot the girl a look as she made a snide remark, it wasn't something new to him which was why he didn't properly retort. Although, the sides of his lips did curl slightly creating small dipples on his lightly stumbled cheeks. While it appeared that he was looking directly...
  5. M

    A Different Kind of Shopping

    To be back in New Zealand was a surreal thing, after spending the best of two years in New York City, places like Obsidian Harbour and Brightstone Village seemed miniscule, unimportant, but they still held a special place in the heart of the aspiring muscian. He didn't know really know why he...
  6. M

    gentle burning bruises

    I'D TAKE ANOTHER CHANCE, TAKE A FALL TAKE - A - SHOT - FOR - YOU and i need you like a heart needs a beat BUT THAT'S NOTHING NEW- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<i></i> and so christmas came about once again, bringing with it the usual cheer, excitement and that last minute...
  7. M

    `show me love

    That's sounds great, I don't have a final lined up for him anymore, so it'd be perfect! ^_^ xD I know the difference a change in playby can make! :r So should we start RPing these two? :woot:
  8. M

    `show me love

    Well I have Matthew Reed, I've rebooted his character a bit seeing as I didn't really RP with him that much. But basically, in the Summer of 2024, Matthew and his band, 'The Switch' got a record deal with a highly acclaimed wizarding label (who also produced wizarding bands such as The Weird...
  9. M

    You Put A Smile On My Face

    Matthew was pretty much taken aback by Jennys words. Who knew that just four simple words could hurt so much? However Matthew didn't say anything. He didn't see the point in fighting for their relationship when all of Jenny's reasons were unfortunately, very true. He knew the age difference...
  10. M

    You Put A Smile On My Face

    Matthew Reed walked up the harbour just outside the central shopping area. His hands sunk deep into the pockets of his jeans as he made his way through the crowd. The past few months were quite hectic for the seventeen year old. Not only had he been working in the recording studio like crazy but...
  11. M

    Far Away

    Matthew couldn't remember a time when he was happier. This was it, he was never this happy. Well, when he got his record deal that was pretty exciting but even so, Matthew found that he felt that Jenny was more important than any of that. He couldn't stop thinking about her, he really had turned...
  12. M


    Matthew laughed lightly, "Well I guess it's settled then. I'm not meeting up with Jess." He would let her know his decision in a couple of minutes but right now he just wanted to be with Jenny. He swung their linked hands slightly as he walked up the now empty street. "I'm sure she won't mind...
  13. M


    Matthew chuckled softly, "Hmm...lucky me." He raised an eyebrow playfully, leaving a handsome expression on his face. Matthew felt that he really was lucky, he now shared this wonderful thing with Jenny. Jenny! A girl that he really didn't deserve especially how he had treated her over the...
  14. M


    "Best day ever," Those three short words really summed up everything. Matthew couldn't think of a time where he was happier. Nor could he think of a time that he ever cared so much about one person. The fact that this all happened in the one day really made it deserve the title. Matt turned his...
  15. M

    RP! RP! RP!

    @Pat: Swell :lol: will you set up the Jessica/Pat one and I'll set up the Nia/Abbey/Ava one? @Clara: Cool, cool. I'll set it up once I get control of these RP's xD