Recent content by Maria Madison

  1. Maria Madison

    Closed Head up in the clouds

    A new year meant new clients, and Maria was glad she had all her things in order, ready to open new files and see what she could do for those needing her help for the first time. She had just finished setting up the office when she heard a knock, smiling as she opened the door. "Hi, you must...
  2. Maria Madison

    Closed finally going

    With a quick tap of her wand Maria sent off to the kitchens for some tea, knowing it would appear on her table hot and ready within no time, and she could focus on the girl in front of her. She listened quietly as Rose described her situation, a little surprised by one of the things she said...
  3. Maria Madison

    Professors & Staff

    Maria Madison Counsellor
  4. yearbooky36.jpg


  5. Maria Madison

    Closed finally going

    Maria closed the door behind Rose, glancing over to her tea setup. "I've only got bags in here, but I can send to the kitchen for some loose leaf easily." She said, making a mental note to stock some loose leaf tea for future appointments. She took a seat across from Rose, smiling...
  6. Maria Madison

    Closed finally going

    The years seemed to roll around faster and faster for Maria now that her own children had all graduated school. It felt as though she had blinked at Finn's graduation from Hogwarts and opened her eyes at his graduation from art school. The castle had been a lonely place at first, without any...
  7. Maria Madison

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y47 | S1

    Every year Maria made up her mind to do a better job of getting to know her colleagues, and every year she failed. It was a bit silly, really. She had worked with some of these people for nearly twenty years now, and she had no reason to be shy around them. That was also part of the problem...
  8. yearbooky47.jpg


  9. Maria Madison

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Although she felt more comfortable around her colleagues these days, Maria still found staff meetings a little overwhelming. In her quiet corner of the library, it was easy not to really be aware of just how many people worked here. Seeing them all together though... it was a little...
  10. yearbooky46.png


  11. Yearbook


  12. Maria Madison

    Open It Moves Too Fast

    As the years had passed, gradually layer by layer Maria had managed to peel back the walls she had built between herself and her colleagues. It had taken time and effort, but she now felt perfectly comfortable visiting Kahurangi for a party, none of her old fears so much as flickering to the...
  13. Maria Madison

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y45 | S1

    Although she still kept mostly to herself, Maria had been doing a much better job of participating in Hogwarts life the last few years. It was one thing telling her clients not to let their trauma control them, but it was another thing to apply it to herself. But she was making it there, bit...
  14. Maria Madison

    Maria Madison

    2060 Y44 Graduation Ceremony: Guests With various attendees Professors & Staff Meeting Y45 | S1 With various HNZ staff 2061 It Moves Too Fast With various attendees Professors & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1 With various HNZ staff 2062 Professor & Staff Meeting Y47 | S1 With various HNZ...
  15. Maria Madison

    Y44 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

    Graduation had felt different to Maria ever since Finn's. The youngest of her children had left school, and the next time she saw a member of her family cross this stage it would be her grandchild. This new stage of her life had crept up on her, and she was still adjusting to how it felt. She...