Recent content by Margarita Hart

  1. M

    Last Movie You Saw

    Sleeping Beauty! :wub:
  2. M

    Word Association Game

  3. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    The seventeen year old continued to sob into her sheet, she didn't even acknowledge Liam when he patted her back, this would have usually comforted Margarita, but now wasn't a time that would normally get her down, she had got married to her best friend by the name of Liam Madden. There was no...
  4. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    The seventeen year old didn't want to believe what was happening, or could be happening. She and Liam had gotten heavily wasted, there was no doubt, and they had woken up in a honeymoon suite. This all lead to one obvious conclusion, one that Margarita wished wasn't true, but the evidence was...
  5. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    Margarita Faith Hart woke up that morning with a pounding headache, the memories of the previous night still a blur in her memory. The last thing the young witch could recall was exchanging a dance with her best friend in a poorly lit night club, this wasn't a foreign experience to the seventeen...
  6. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    Usually, the seventeen year old would see her best friend Liam as a brother; they would laugh whenever possible and spend so much of their free time having a load of fun, but they also had an emotional side to their friendship. Margarita's friendship with Liam was the complete opposite of the...
  7. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    Every day Margarita had known Liam was a laugh, he always put a humorous twist on things. No matter how unfunny they were. He was her best friend, he would always cheer her up and they always had each other's backs, although it didn't feel like it that night. The alcohol in in socialite's system...
  8. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    Margarita Faith couldn't help the laughter that escaped her lips while she observed her best friend's antics, she knew that Liam could party harder and for a lot longer, it was given that the seventeen year old would try to push Liam to his partying limits tonight, it would made for a fun game...
  9. M

    Hart, Margarita Faith.

    Margarita Faith Hart. NOW MAKE A CHANGE, I'M COUNTING DOWN, THE MILE MARKS TO EVERY TOWN. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Full Name: Margarita Faith Hart. Birth Date: July 25th. Blood Status: Half Blood. Relationship Status: Single (not looking) Sexual orientation: Heterosexual...
  10. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    There was no way to describe what came over Margarita that night, of course it was the usual party adrenalin the fuelled the socialite to act vicariously in many ways, causing her reputation to grow to a lower standard every time a photo was snapped of her dancing with some loser guy. Sure, the...
  11. M

    Madz <3 [C]

    Thank you very much! :wub:
  12. M

    Las Vegas Baby!

    Las Vegas, the city of lights, and the setting in which the young witch, the renowned socialite Margarita Hart chose to have yet another big night on the town. Usually it would be a problem for a normal seventeen year old to get into clubs and party all night but not for Margarita, she was a...
  13. M

    Madz <3 [C]

    I would like Madz to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Margarita Hart. Banner Type: Standard. *Banner Size: Up to you. Celebrity you're using: Larissa Wilson. (Jal) Images on banner: here. Text on banner: Margarita Hart. *Fonts on banner: Georgia italics please. *Colour...