Recent content by Lucy Holland

  1. Lucy Holland

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

    Lucy could tell Aroha was in trouble and was determined to keep the pressure on, sending another bludger her way. She groaned softly when the shot whizzed right past, hoping that if nothing else she could psych the Gryffindor out.
  2. Lucy Holland

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

    Lucy was pleased to see Audrey on such a run, cheering for her co-beater. "LET'S GO AUDREY!"
  3. Lucy Holland

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

    Lucy was a bit surprised by Gryffindor's substitution, but she wasn't entirely complaining about not having Milo on the pitch anymore. She made a run for a bludger and swung, groaning as the ball flew right past the new Gryffindor seeker. Well, at least Audrey was having more luck than she was.
  4. Lucy Holland

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

    With the cup at stake, Lucy knew they had to put everything on the line, and she was determined to play her hardest. When the whistle blew she took to the air, bat swinging menacingly as she got ready to take Gryffindor out.
  5. Lucy Holland

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Lucy pulled her broom around and caught up with a bludger, but when she swung she once again missed her teammates, groaning in frustration. What was wrong with her?
  6. Lucy Holland

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Lucy was determined to pull herself back together, quickly chasing after the bludger Audrey had hit and redirecting it towards Lilith - maybe third time would be the charm. She missed the younger Seeker again, but was pleasantly surprised to strike the older one instead. @Savannah Walters
  7. Lucy Holland

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Even if she was off her own game, Lucy was pleased that their newest seeker was on hers. "Ka pai!*" She called out, giving Lilith a thumbs up in support. *Ka pai - well done (common knowledge)
  8. Lucy Holland

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Lucy chuckled at Lilith's remark and quickly caught up on another bludger, firing it at the younger girl and groaning softly when it whizzed right past her again.
  9. Lucy Holland

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Lucy flew on, circling around to try and get a good angle on another bludger.
  10. Lucy Holland

    A well-deserved thank you

    Lucy's eyes widened in surprise, looking at Professor Carter's basket properly for the first time. She had just assumed he was carrying things around for one of his classes, or maybe the Wild Patch Club, but... "Oh!" She said brightly, accepting the rose. "Thank you! I didn't know teachers...
  11. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Golden Lion

    Lucy was pleased to have found her next recipient so easily, bounding down the table to meet the older boy. "Hi! I've got a rose delivery for you!" She said brightly, picking the yellow rose and its attached note out of her basket. "Happy Valentines day!" Lucy beamed as she handed them over.
  12. Lucy Holland

    Valentine's Dance

    Lucy Holland, solo
  13. valentinesy4crop.png


  14. Lucy Holland

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Lucy flew towards a bludger, gritting her teeth as she swung, and she groaned as the ball just barely flew past Lilith, missing the younger girl entirely.
  15. Lucy Holland

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Lucy kept one eye on the rest of the team, pleased that their new recruits all seemed so dedicated to the practice. And they were having far more luck than she was, thankfully.