Lincoln Cade's latest activity

  • Lincoln Cade
    Lincoln Cade replied to the thread First Years, Lesson Two.
    Lincoln had higher hopes for herbology when he walked into the greenhouse and saw a bunch of pallets laid out on the work stations...
  • Lincoln Cade
    Lincoln Cade replied to the thread First Years, Lesson One.
    Lincoln was surprised by how many of the plants in the greenhouse seemed so normal, which was a little underwhelming. He wasn’t sure...
  • Lincoln Cade
    Lincoln Cade replied to the thread Closed All that glitters.
    The castle was like a maze and despite his best efforts his mother had given him no guidance about navigating it before he started...
  • Lincoln Cade
    Lincoln Cade replied to the thread Closed ruffled feathers.
    The owlery wasn’t a pleasant experience but without an owl of his own Lincoln had to brave the fowl air to use a school owl to send...
  • Lincoln Cade
    Lincoln Cade replied to the thread Open Y48 Club Fair.
    Lincoln nodded at Teddy and the other boy signing up as he took the parchment and signed his name to it. "See you at the first meeting,"...
  • Lincoln Cade
    Lincoln Cade replied to the thread Open Y48 Club Fair.
    Lincoln felt like he had been walking around the club fair for a while before he finally settled on a stall. It was the brotherhood...