Recent content by Kenna Kaelen

  1. Kenna Kaelen

    Other Students List

    Kenna Kaelen - Ilvermony 2nd Year, Thunderbird
  2. Kenna Kaelen

    Old School Week Busiest of holiday households

    Kenna perked up when she heard some enter the living room and smiled happily towards her brother upon seeing that it was him. She was about to take the yellow snack from him, having no problem with the fact that he gave it a lick, when her older sister slapped it away from Iggy. Slowly her eyes...
  3. Kenna Kaelen

    Old School Week Busiest of holiday households

    Kenna was following her dad around the house as he was putting up more shiny Christmas lights until he went into the kitchen. She'd been avoiding going in there ever since her mum told her not to come back in anymore. So instead the climbed, albeit very clumsily, on the sofa and sat there until...
  4. Kenna Kaelen

    Closed Babysitting

    Kenna didn't know anyone named Lily so continued to watch the older girl as she moved through the house, unsure yet whether she was friend or foe. Her cousin seemed to know the girl which would normally be enough for her but now her parents weren't there with them to protect them from anything...
  5. Kenna Kaelen

    Closed Babysitting

    Kenna stared at the door when her cousin was busy with Iggy. Although Kenna did not have an understanding of time just yet, she knew that it couldn't be mommy or daddy on the other side because the sun was still shining brightly, and mommy and daddy usually came home when it was getting dark...
  6. Kenna Kaelen

    Closed Babysitting

    Kenna too wanted to hit the teddy bear with the stick so did what she would always do and took Iggy's stick from him. Before she could even raise her little arm, however, the stick was already taken away from her by her cousin. She pouted at him. If only she could remember where she had put...