Recent content by Juanita Stidham

  1. J

    Give me a sign

    The sky was an explosion of pale color as the sun began to start a slow descent towards the horizon. Why Juanita had picked this time of day to meet up with Keith was alarmingly obvious and she shook her head before letting out a small sigh, and looking up to the skies. She barely there winter...
  2. J

    Bad boys 13+ wanted to corrupt 2nd year.

    I can imagine it now. Anita: "God JR! Why are you with that guy? He is such an ass to you!" JR: "Thats not true! He loves me, he treats me no worse than any of my other boyfriends..." Anita: "They were all asses too though, remember that." JR: "He's different!" Anita: "Erm, How exactly? You're...
  3. J

    Bad boys 13+ wanted to corrupt 2nd year.

    Anita needs friends too, She has... Well, her siblings and probably Damian at some point XD Also the last part was mainly a joke but it would add some drama :o I know Russel wouldn't mind xD Anita and JR will be total dating opposites, I'm gonna keep Anita single until 5th/6th year.
  4. J

    Bad boys 13+ wanted to corrupt 2nd year.

    Pregnant by 15?! Wow O_O Not trying to be a backseat mod but did you get that approved? :-/ Also I don't have any guys I could offer unless Like WAAAAAY later [JR in her early/mid twenties] she would get drunkenly [or so I'd assume] involved with my only adult male character, a 60ish [Well...
  5. J


    True TPBM is a pirate?
  6. J

    Just for a little while

    Taylor, School sucks man ;-; But it is unfortunately required =\ I just hope you start off good for the new school year! Even if that does mean cutting out HNZ for a while. Sacrifices must be made :erm: But take all the time you need and we'll be here when you get back ^_^ :glomp: :hugs...
  7. J


    True, Milk sucks xD TPBM Wears Vans shoes =D
  8. J


    False, I joined with my first account on November 6th 2007, Most of the oldest members joined in July/August of 2007... Some even back in 2005. TPBM Prefers Pepsi to Coke
  9. J


    No, I like some of her songs but I'm not a huge fan TPBM, doesn't like anything but cheese on their pizza.
  10. J


    False, I watch them with my Nephew to keep him entertained when i'm babysitting. But the only one that doesn't make me want to throw something at the TV that he watches is Blues clues Pre-Joe, Nostalgia city man. His favorite is Yo Gabba Gabba and the man in the orange fuzzy hat thing creeps me...
  11. J


    TPBM has been to England.
  12. J


    False, xD Unless Random is a second language :P My Spanish SUCKS TPBM Loves dogs.
  13. J

    Golden Sunsets

    The sky was an explosion of color as the sun began to start a slow descent towards the horizon. Why Juanita had picked this time of day to meet up with Keith was alarmingly obvious and she shook her head before letting out a small sigh and looking up to the skies. She new spring air was warm...
  14. J

    New Beginnings

    Even though Juanita wasn't technically muggleborn, though she didn't know that yet, she would have appreciated his coolness about it had she known his past self. But seeing as she hadn't known him that long and han't been expecting anything along the lines of flinching the lack thereof didn't...
  15. J

    New Beginnings

    It would take quite a dunce to miss the notes of pride filling his voice when he mentioned he had pureblood lineage. But to Juanita the whole 'pureblood supremacy' thing was a load of crap. No amount of wizarding blood made you any better than those with muggle blood. Then again she supposed she...