Recent content by Jonah Edogawa

  1. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Jonah dove for his chair with a war cry maybe pushing a person or two, he wasn’t sure. At least he managed to sit.
  2. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Jonah wondered if he could bring his chair along for the dance. Maybe drag it along. He looked at the professor as he reached out to perhaps take the chair
  3. Jonah Edogawa

    Dueling Match #43

    Jonah had been content to cheer everyone on with his little flags and Lumos with his wand. He couldn’t use his blue flag though to cheer on Elijah because he wasn’t cheering for Eoghan. He was only cheering for his brother who cheered on him loudly in all of his Quidditch matches. So now it was...
  4. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Out of utter fear that someone would take his chair, he scrambled away in a crawl dragging the chair underneath his belly before righting the chair and belly flopping on it as he awkwardly tried to keep his whole weight on it while turning around to sit on his behind. This chair was his
  5. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Jonah dived into a chair and took a tumble, taking the chair down with him and ending up belly-flopped on it. Does this count because he’s not letting go of this chair?
  6. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Jonah breathed a sigh of relief as he started to walk round the chairs again. Who knew Musical Chairs could be so intense?
  7. Jonah Edogawa

    Bi Weekly Update

    Thanks for posting Emzies! :wub:
  8. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Jonah grabbed a chair and pulled it towards his butt to sit on.
  9. Jonah Edogawa

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Jonah could agree that the professor was right, but the professors in school also asked questions all the time. Questions that Jonah almost never knew the answers to which usually made him wonder if he was stupid because sometimes he'd try to read ahead but the book was a little hard to...
  10. Jonah Edogawa

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Jonah had always thought that Professional Quidditch was his only path in life. However, with how... subpar... his playing has been, he began to think that perhaps it was time to evaluate his life choices. Which meant that he had to figure out if there was any class he would be any good at. It...
  11. Jonah Edogawa

    Closed Colour Inside the Lines

    Jonah nibbled on his lip, not really wanting to leave the comfort of staying by the door. He didn't know this professor. Had one class with him, that was all. He knew what to expect with most professors by now. But Professor Pirrip was the one that he had no clue about and just so happened to be...
  12. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Failing expectations

    Jonah had turned to leave when Lilith spoke. He didn't really want to speak with her. He wanted to find Lumos who he'd lost in the crowd. It felt embarrassing to be thanked for something he felt like he did so half-heartedly. He wouldn't say that the game was frustrating. He'd grown up with...
  13. Jonah Edogawa

    Dueling Match #37

    Jonah may have admittedly did a little jump when Lumos won, but knowing that Lumos and Demi were best friends and that Demi lost by being disqualified, he doubted it would look very nice for him to be celebrating that hard. Still, he quickly made his way over to where Lumos would be exiting so...
  14. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Jonah, in the meantime, scurried. As close to the chairs as he was allowed to be.
  15. Jonah Edogawa

    Open Herbology Lesson 2: After Susie!

    Jonah didn’t really like Herbology class. He actually didn’t like most classes in Hogwarts but he thought that he hated Herbology the most. He actually didn’t mind the subject all that much, but he didn’t really like the professor who just so happened to be the Hufflepuff Head of House. It...