Recent content by Holden Marshall

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  2. Holden Marshall

    Sixth Years

    Holden Marshall, Gryffindor
  3. yearbooky6crop.png


  4. Holden Marshall

    Closed Tied Together

    Holden still wasn't really ready to deal with the thought of Penny graduating. He had known it was coming, obviously, and he was happy for her, he was. But Penny was graduating, and he was going to be at school alone. Well... with Eric, technically, but he'd proven himself a narc. No support...
  5. Holden Marshall

    Y47 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

    Holden hadn't been looking forward to Penny's graduation, and he didn't feel any better about it now that it was actually here. He didn't spend all that much time with his sister at school, but he had liked at least knowing she was here. The only sibling he had left at school was Eric, and...
  6. Holden Marshall

    Rate the avi

    10/10 so cute & I love the cheeky smile!
  7. sigs


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  9. Holden Marshall

    Closed Oh, Here We Go Again

    Holden had also had a whole holiday break to forget just how frustrating Vanity had been on their first date, and he was immediately questioning if this whole girlfriend thing was worth it. Why did it matter what he was wearing? It wasn't like anyone was even going to be looking at him, with...
  10. Holden Marshall

    Closed Oh, Here We Go Again

    Holden wasn't really sure he was doing this 'having a girlfriend' thing right, but Vanity hadn't killed him yet, and it was a definite distraction from his haunting thoughts about how cool Milo had looked catching the snitch. If he did turn out to be gay, that would be fine, he supposed, but he...
  11. Holden Marshall

    Closed This Sure Is A Date, Huh?

    Even though he knew it was in her, Holden was still surprised by the sudden change in Vanity's demeanour. He'd seen her get angry before, of course, but he'd never had it directed at him before. "Alright, no need to shout." He grumbled as he took her hand, even though Vanity hadn't been...
  12. Holden Marshall

    Closed This Sure Is A Date, Huh?

    As soon as Holden realised what he had done, he quietly wished the ground would swallow him up. A tiny, delirious part of his brain looked around for Eric, half hoping his overzealous brother would come arrest him for.... chewing gum, or something. Anything to get him away from this situation...
  13. Holden Marshall

    Closed This Sure Is A Date, Huh?

    F*ck. It was the first thought in Holden's mind as he saw Vanity, heart dropping in the stomach. He definitely should have found a suit. She was dressed up and visible from a mile away, all bright pink and frills. The whole school was going to notice her, and then they'd see him right there...
  14. Holden Marshall

    Closed This Sure Is A Date, Huh?

    As sick as the feeling made him, Holden felt as though for the first time in his life, he understood his father. The urge to bolt had never in his life been stronger as he waited for Vanity to meet him. This was a mistake - it had to be. He was waiting for the coolest girl in school, to take...
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