Recent content by Geovanna Adler-Cade

  1. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Closed Christmas Delivery

    Geo could tell Rudolf was joking about looking for another job, but that didn't stop the blonde from looking across at him and seriously debating whether or not she could offer it. Even if it was for a short-term agreement while Eden was learning. "Nonsense! You're giving me the gift of rest...
  2. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Open Back to square one

    Geo had to agree that being in America felt more expansive, but given that the only part she'd experienced before now was her home life in Virginia it made sense to the woman that she'd found solace out here too. Not that she didn't want to return one day. "Also compared to the United Kingdom...
  3. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Open Back to square one

    Geo listened as the student told her he had actually played against them, or at least, he would have in theory. He didn't look old enough though to be nearing the end of his time at school, which meant it was likely he still had many years ahead of him to try again. "Well then next time, once...
  4. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Open Back to square one

    In truth being referred to as professor threw Geo off more than she cared to admit. However, she liked it. She liked it a lot. It made her feel like she actually had something worth passing on to these students. She turned her head toward a small boy who was suddenly inquisitive about her...
  5. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Closed Christmas Delivery

    "No no, of course, we need all the judges we can get around here for cake anyway," Geo hugged Rudolf back, glad that he'd come by to taste the samples when he had. Until recently baking wasn't something the blonde had really tried, but since Eden had been so hands-on with it since meeting Aelin...
  6. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Closed Christmas Delivery

    Having two children at home with Geo was similar to having one, except there was twice the amount of mess, double the number of chores, and half the amount of energy to go around. Of course, in another few months, there would be three of them, and Geo was just glad that Eden had daycare to go to...
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  9. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Geovanna Adler

    four lines of lyrics to even it all up four lines of lyrics to even it all up four lines of lyrics to even it all up four lines of lyrics to even it all up Year 2044 - 2045 (Second Year) Roleplays Grades Charms - O, Transfiguration - O, HOM - O, DADA - O, Potions - O, Herbology - O...
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