Recent content by Emmy Zhefarovich

  1. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Closed Casing the Joint

    Emmy beamed, over the moon that her suggestion had produced a laugh from this girl. She couldn't help but giggle along with the girl, her laughter was infectious. Emmy wished she could tell someone of how much she had made this girl laugh, but knew her mother wouldn't be impressed. Perhaps she...
  2. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Closed Casing the Joint

    The grin from the other girl made Emmy beam, immediately liking her. At first she wondered why making the trophies look better was so funny, but the girl continued to talk and it suddenly dawned on Emmy what she was meaning. She let out a loud giggle trying to think of something to say; insults...
  3. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Closed Casing the Joint

    Emmy knew that she wanted to know where everything was before classes started. Not only because she didn't want to get lost herself, but so she could help anyone else that got lost. Being late to class was stressful, especially if it was because you had no idea where you were. She had already...
  4. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Closed A Slip of the Foot

    Upon hearing the girl's words, Emmy opened her eyes and looked at her, and she didn't seem to be crying. Emmy looked at the ankle, and there didn't seem to be any break - in fact, the foot was still attached even! Emmy breathed a sigh of relief, letting out a giggle when the girl said it had...
  5. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Rate the Sig

    Ummm this is so cool 10/10, I love the gif and the way that it's like a music player thing, and the background is stunning just yes. 10/10
  6. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Emilia Zhefarovich

    Full Name: Emilia Zhefarovich Date of Birth: 28/02/2048 Current Age: 11 Basic Appearance: Emmy has thick, brown hair, with almond shaped, brown eyes. She is average height and build for her age. Personality: Emmy is the daughter of Clara (Antolini) and Elijah Zhefarovich who have doted on Emmy...
  7. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Closed A Slip of the Foot

    Emmy swept the wet hair that was now sticking to her forehead off of her face, trying to suppress a laugh when the girl said it was herself that hadn't been pulling. Emmy smiled at the girl, nodding her head, before making eye contact with the boy and smiling at him too. She grimaced as the girl...
  8. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Closed A Slip of the Foot

    Emmy was somewhat surprised that the girl didn't know how her foot got stuck, but she wasn't going to let the poor girl suffer, especially after she called her a hero. She walked carefully on the bridge to the girl, turning to look at the boy who had called out as well. Emmy suppressed a shiver...
  9. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Emmy Zhefarovich

    Closed A Slip of the Foot

    Emilia had loved spending the afternoon playing with kids her own age, kids she had never met before. Walking into a random group of people was never something that worried the young girl, and not long after arriving, she initiated a group game of tag. Emmy was having a great time - until the...