Recent content by Elizabeth Chang

  1. E


    Okay this semi-haitus thing is over now!!! It turns out I won't be able to go to school until January but it's all good. It just gives me more time to save up and stuff. But yeah, I'm back full time again! :)
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    Graphics request cuz my photoshop broke :( [C]

    K nevermind I got my Photoshop fixed!!! This can be closed now. :)
  3. E

    Graphics request cuz my photoshop broke :( [C]

    I would like Kaitlyn or Emzies to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lizzy Chang Banner Type: blend? *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Celebrity you're using: Choi Sooyoung Images on banner: She's not really the center/focus of these photos so...
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    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy had gone under water again and this time had forced her eyes open. The shining sun illuminated the lake for her, though she could tell if she were to swim further in it was immensely deep. She could see some fish swimming around, not too close to...
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    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Once Lizzy had plunged herself underwater she felt the adrenaline rush she usually got and couldn't help but giggle underwater. She wanted to open her eyes to see what mysteries the lake had beneath its surface but rather preferred not to find out just...
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    Anyone and Everyone.

    Hey! I don't really have any RPs going either so I know exactly how you feel lol. I can offer you two of my characters. ^_^ I have Lizzy here who used to go to the Salem Institute for her 1st and 2nd year, so maybe her and Ariana would've known each other? :o She and Daniel are also in the...
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    The Night is Young

    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy was glad that her small comment had seemed to salvage the chance at enjoying herself with someone else rather than standing around and dancing alone like a loser. Lizzy smiled and said, "Thanks," shyly as the girl complimented her dress in...
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    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy laughed as Briar said she was the type to jump in. "Good, because I am too," she said with a big grin. Truthfully Lizzy loved swimming, and she was very good at it, like many sports. Her athleticism was the reason she was unnaturally skinny...
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    The Night is Young

    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy continued to sway lightly to the music and just as she really getting into the song she heard someone say hey to her. The fourth year jumped in surprise just slightly but hoped the girl hadn't noticed. "Hi," Lizzy replied shyly, taking a sip from...
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    The Night is Young

    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy wasn't sure what possessed her to come to the Yule Ball but the fourth year decided to anyway, not wanting to miss out on school events. So what if she didn't have a date, she was sure she wouldn't be the only one going solo, right? The shy...
  11. E

    Wicked ****ie Done Died

    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy continued chewing on her bottom lip, unsure of whether or not Sapphire would be offended by her gasp but instead the girl across from her flashed her a wide smile. The Ravenclaw smiled back nervously, but relaxed more as Sapphire didn't seem...
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    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy adjusted the straps of her halter bikini top so they didn't dig into her skin and watched as the red-headed girl beside her tore off her socks. The brunette couldn't stop a giggle from escaping her lips at this odd gesture but put her hand over...
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    Wicked ****ie Done Died

    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]When the girl put her hand up to her mouth Lizzy figured that she was laughing and smiled lightly. And as she said to call her Spiderwoman Lizzy's eyebrows went up in surprise, her smile growing wider. "You know about Spiderman?" she said with wonder...
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    [size=50][font=verdana][color=darkgoldenrod]Lizzy had been sitting against the tree for a few minutes with her eyes closed, simply enjoying the warmth when it started to get too hot and her hair began to stick to the back of her neck. As she was twisting her hair up in a bun to get it away from...
  15. E


    Hey Dylan welcome to HNZ! :woot: You'll have to wait a bit before your character can be sorted but in the mean time there are still places and people you can RP with! As Jessye said, feel free to PM me on any character whenever! ^_^ (All my characters say "Elphaba" in the OOC Name box!) ~Abby