Recent content by Eliska Barnard

  1. E

    Eliska Barnard

    Eliska Barnard, Born Eliska Abrielle Barnard, Florence, Italy. Attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Straight, 21 years old. La plus belle des deux. over my head, i never knew that everything was falling through that everyone i knew was waiting on a cue other half to turn and run when all...
  2. E

    A Civil Meeting

    </SIZE> <SIZE size="50">A part of the blonde beauxbatons knew that her sister thought little of her and her ways. Eliska had long since decided that actually caring about a boy's feeling towards her would only end in heart ache. And this was not something Eliska had ever enjoyed. What she...
  3. E

    A Civil Meeting

    As ever, the young blonde could sense her sister was slightly annoyed at her late arrival and the reason behind it. Afterall, Eliska knew that out of the two of them, Eliska barnard was the one who got along with the cutest boys. And she always seemed to have a steady stream of them, just...
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    A Civil Meeting

    </SIZE> <SIZE size="50">The smallest of giggles filled the cool morning air in Pairs, France. It was the kind of giggle that made the people surrounding smile and think, what crazy kids. With the sun was hanging high in the sky, and it was causes her light blonde hair to glow against the sun...
  5. E

    i can see clearly now, the rain has gone

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ eliskaabriellebarnard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This here is Eliska. She's a beauxbatons 6th year, and a twin to the 6th year...
  6. E

    this can't be true..

    Steph, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't worry about the topics, just take your time. I'm here if you want to talk. :hugs: :wub: Emzies
  7. E

    Eliska Abrielle Barnard

    Heyy Mimi :hugs: Thanks for the questions 1. Are there any languages that she wants to learn that she doesn't know already? If Eliska had her way, she'd learn all the languages possible. She loves being able to go to places and understanding everything written and what people say about...
  8. E

    Eliska Abrielle Barnard

    </SIZE>E L I S K A A B R I E L L E B A R N A R D<i></i> <SIZE size="50">Full Name: Eliska Abrielle Barnard Date of Birth: February 4th 2016 Current Age: 17 Basic Appearance: Eliska is a girl of medium height, she is of average height and weight. She has had fluations with her weight...
  9. E

    Rate the Sig

    9.8/10 ♥ it, tis pretty with nice colouring. It just loses .2 because I hate Miley Cyrus with a burning passion.