Recent content by Dorian De Luca

  1. D

    For the aconite junkies

    Strolling down the street like a fat kid, Dorian swore to himself. This wasn't a good time to be short on ingredients for the Wolfsbane Potion. Sure, he had enough bottled to carry him through the next lunar month, but the unprepared always suffered. The Apothecary had been his only hope in...
  2. D

    Members Online in the Past 24 Hours

    I mean, saying how many people have been on over 24 hours, not showing all of the members who have been on. One number versus 23432940232353253 names, if that makes any sense.
  3. D

    Members Online in the Past 24 Hours

    I voted No, remove the code. I like the idea of it, but I don't like the look of it. To me, the huge block of names looks like a giant mess at the end of the page. I'd say it could potentially deter guests, though I might be going out on a limb there. I am, however, in favor of showing how...
  4. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    Grinning, Dorian scratched his neck. It was a godsend that he didn't have lice. "Well, I'd be a bit worried if someone who looked like you was named Perseus and wanted to stay the night," he laughed. The man shifted on his feet, thinking about her request. He'd already decided not to turn...
  5. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    "Ah, the galaxy. Well, at least they didn't name you Perseus," Dorian joked. For as much as he hated the moon, he loved Astronomy. Earth was insignificant and dull when compared to the rest of the universe. The man still couldn't wrap around his head that he was pretty much a speck, living...
  6. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    Andromeda. That's a pretty name. Of course, Dorian didn't tell her that; he just decided to go down another avenue. "Huh, did your parents name you after the constellation," he inquired, "or did they know you were going to be a damsel in distress somewhere down the road?" He grinned, trying...
  7. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    Pawing through drawers and tearing through boxes, Dorian tossed articles of clothing behind him. The floor was layered with clean clothes. He looked very much like a dog digging a hole in the backyard; at least he wasn't flinging dirt clods all over the place. After some time, he picked out a...
  8. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    A smirk split Dorian's face. He'd been living alone for quite a long time, and he was a male. "Only if you're offering, darl," he chuckled, dragging an itchy foot across the tile. Crunch. He wrinkled his nose and kicked the bug skeleton to the side. The man really did need to clean up this...
  9. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    Dorian was tempted to end their happy little meeting right then and there. He didn't need a guest, especially not one with such a set of teeth. Picking her up, flipping her around, and punting her behind out the door would be easy. The ***** could fend for her own litter. Perhaps the...
  10. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    Dorian stared at the woman and rolled his eyes. "What do you think I am, a muggle?" he remarked, "Of course you're not going to use all of the hot water." The man wasn't tied down by silly things like water heaters. Magic was too convenient to pass up on. It then registered to him that she...
  11. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    Nodding to each of her inquiries, Dorian managed to conceal the shame in his face. He had glimpsed her scars. They were familiar, but he kept his mouth shut. The wizard could be very, very mistaken; he didn't want to chase this girl off because she found out what he was. She wouldn't be...
  12. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    Coarse feet scratched across the floor. The man hated to wear anything from his ankles to his toes. As a result, Dorian had proudly suffered his fair share (and more) of splinters throughout his life. If he could get away with going barefoot in public, he would. The one pair of footwear he...
  13. D

    Breaking Dawn ... contd from Full Moon Rising

    To any normal intruder, the creature curled up on the couch was nothing but a watchdog; a very lazy watchdog. The grog he gagged down every month wrestled with his stomach. As vile as the stuff was, it was a small price to pay for having control. He would have been starkers if not for baggy...
  14. D

    Not Good At All

    Ava, I will send good wishes your way. :hugs: You take care of yourself, and, like Nick said, come back when you're ready. :)
  15. D

    Hai Guyz I Need Rps.

    Posted in Obsidian Harbor ;)