School felt as though it had been eternal and brief all at once, and Daria had blinked and woken up here, at her graduation ceremony; seven years of schooling behind her, and... something ahead. What, she didn't know exactly. Timothy had said she could carry on her barista job while she was...
Every time Daria was reminded that her time at Hogwarts was nearly over, it shocked her all over again. The real world was a matter of a few exams away now, and she wasn't sure she was ready for it. Her whole time at school she had hardly accomplished anything, and would be leaving with more...
Daria nodded, a little jealous. If she was going to have to run a club, it would have been nice to get that time to get used to it. All Daria was going to do was fumble through, and then graduate. She was quickly distracted though, looking up as Penny brought up the elephant in the room. At...
Daria's hands trembled as she set things up for the first Wild Patch meeting of the year, doing her best not to slide into a full blown panic attack. This had been a mistake. Rosie and Kiara choosing her had been a mistake, choosing to accept had been a mistake, not immediately giving up the...
The moment felt fragile around Daria, as though a single wrong breath would shatter... whatever this delicate truce was. She gave a tiny nervous smile in return, nodding gently. "Thank you." She said softly. "Has, um, has... has Heta Omega been going well?" She asked quietly. She knew...
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