Recent content by Crispin Applewhite

  1. Crispin Applewhite

    Closed Annual Dinner Disaster

    She runs at him and he has to quickly turn to catch her, worried he might miss and she'd face plant the ground. "Merlin, Shiori," the little boy, her brother he assumed, shouting her name at him wasn't even on his radar, he was too busy paying attention to Shiori and the fact she was carrying...
  2. Crispin Applewhite

    Long words!

    I just recently came across this one in my Japanese classes 虎が人を噛もうとするときのうなり [Tora ga hito o kamo to suru toki no unari.] Which roughly means "The growl of a tiger when it is about to bite a person." Japanese language doesn't have long words as much as long phrases but I thought this one was cool!
  3. Crispin Applewhite

    Closed Annual Dinner Disaster

    He followed Taylor into the rest of the room where his eyes immediately landed on Shiori and at first he smile widened, because he was happy to see her and was surprised when she hadn't answered any of his letters. He'd thought maybe she had just been busy, but once the Mohotoukoro school year...
  4. Crispin Applewhite

    Closed Annual Dinner Disaster

    Honestly? Crispin had absolutely no idea what to expect. He hadn't spoken to Shiori since December. He'd all but confirmed that the letter earlier in the year was from someone who wasn't her, since she hadn't replied. So one of his mates had obviously done it, not that any of them had bothered...
  5. Crispin Applewhite

    is this you shiori?

    is this you shiori?
  6. Crispin Applewhite

    Closed Is this the right address?

    *Translations: see you soon and his name in katakana Kurisupin
  7. Crispin Applewhite

    Closed Is this the right address?

    *letters between Crispin and "Shiori" @Jericah Edogawa
  8. Crispin Applewhite

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    i get em every time ;)
  9. Crispin Applewhite

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    aaaaaaand you're welcome
  10. Crispin Applewhite

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    there we go if geo dies we can marry him off to rudolf
  11. Crispin Applewhite

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    you did say we should do lagowski and cade, dont chicken out on me now