Recent content by Chrysander Kaster

  1. Chrysander Kaster

    Get to know you!

  2. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    The nickname made his flinch, since it was one he tried not to dwell too much on. He didn’t know how he felt about Dia repeating it right now, and this certainly wasn’t the situation he would have liked to be in, rather he would have prefered if Sapphire was here to run interference, especially...
  3. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed to Paris with love

    Chrys nodded, but didn't really meet Onyx's eye. It was good to see that he was feeling a lot better and that he'd moved on. It was all he'd wanted, really, for Onyx to be able to move on properly. He had a couple of ideas for himself, but there would be a lot that would have to go into it...
  4. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    Chrys watched them, unsure, really, what he should even say. He knew who the girl was but was a little surprised that she didn’t know him. He supposed that was his own fault though, since he could have gone on his way to letting her know, but he didn’t have any association with her, or with his...
  5. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    Chrys gave Tristan a knowing smile, his eyes softening as he leaned back against the wall slightly. "I can't help but think Mason will turn out just fine," he said thoughtfully, his voice carrying the warmth of someone who had been through the motions himself. He'd learned recently that kids had...
  6. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed to Paris with love

    "That's... nice." He wished someone had asked him where he'd wanted to go. He didn't know why he couldn't have been homeschooled like his brother Ben, but then, no one ever seemed to ask Chrys what he wanted, and then the one time someone had asked him... he'd flipped out on Onyx and that was...
  7. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    He watched them closely, mostly Honey. Once he'd heard the other girls name though, and honestly it was pretty obvious who she was by looks alone, he knew that he had to let Sapphire know where she was. "Sure, Honey, just don't go anywhere, okay?" He didn't know what Dia was like, he didn't know...
  8. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed to Paris with love

    "She's seven, so perhaps she and Jacques will have an adventure at Hogwarts together," he didn't know if he would prefer that, or prefer for Honey to make her own name for herself, or even if Onyx and his partner would even be sending them to Hogwarts in New Zealand seeing as they were in France...
  9. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    "Huh?" By the time he'd noticed that Honey was trying to get his attention, it was too late. He'd been distracted by looking at a girl who looked eerily familiar, though looking around didn't show Sapphire around, and that was worrisome. Why would Sapphire let her kids run around on their own...
  10. Chrysander Kaster

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    so a lot of you don't know this about me, but I am a carer for my sister who is severely disabled. let me also preface this by saying that we were once told my sister would "never be independant, she would never walk, never talk and never be able to do anything for herself so you should stick...
  11. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    He didn't know the man well, so he couldn't be entirely sure he'd seen the myriad of emotion cross the man's face. The shrug made him feel like he was mistaken. "Ah, that's a bit of a surprise," he said, trying to scratch at those earliest of Hogwarts memories. Honestly most of it was behind the...
  12. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed to Paris with love

    Chrys picked up one of the cheeses and looked at it sceptically before pairing it with one of the holed meats and sticking it in his mouth. Damn, it's really been awhile since he's eaten like this. He didn't quite know what to say about the story, it was a sad one, but, well with everything he'd...
  13. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    Chrys gave the man a small, understanding nod, folding his arms loosely as he glanced towards the kids at the table. "Kinda comes with the territory, doesn't it?" he wore a faint smirk now, because he was familiar with the feeling ore than he would like. "Doesn't matter how old they get, or how...
  14. Chrysander Kaster

    Chrysander Kaster Connections

    C H R Y S A N D E R ✻ K A S T E R ✻ R E L A T I O N S H I P S It can't be said I'm an early bird It's ten o'clock before I say a word Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well? Immediate Family Tree
  15. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    Chrys couldn't remember the man's name off of the top of his head, but he did rather vaguely recall a younger face than this one being a Hufflepuff prefect whilst he was at school. He only really remembered because it was the first two or three years of school, back when he'd actually paid...