Recent content by Camille Carter

  1. Camille Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving You know I love you so

    The blonde enjoyed her time outside and had spend some time in the greenhouse, and was now walking around the gardens. She was in the mood to draw some flowers sitting in the grass with her sketchbook. The blonde than looked around as she heard her name and saw an girl, she thought she had seen...
  2. Camille Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving Alderheart

    Camille smiled shy and took the rose from Magne. It had an note attached and she was an bit scared to open it. What if people wanted to prank her, or someone tried to send a rose in the name of someone else? The blonde opened the note and watched the yellow rose, it was pretty. She smiled as she...
  3. Camille Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving Alderheart

    Camille sat at the hufflepuff table enjoying an pumpkin pie. While looking an bit around her. She had made a friend so was kind of pleased with that. But still it was very anxious being around here and all the pressure she felt doing well in classes. When someone suddenly said her name and she...
  4. Camille Carter

    Yule Ball

    Camille Carter - Solo
  5. Camille Carter

    Rate the avi

    10/10 I always like when the avatar just shows how someone is, and it suits really well with the personality I think. Confident boyyyy.
  6. Camille Carter

    Open Buried Treasure

    As she saw the sword, which she hoped was fake fall down on the ground she hoped it didn't hurt anyone. But Magne was kind and thankfully he wasn't hurt, he even asked if she was. And she could breath and feel more relax again. '' Oh hey - Magne.'' The blonde replied back an gave an short smile...
  7. Camille Carter

    Open Buried Treasure

    Camille made her way into the great hall. Unsure with her costume, but at least she had found something. Dressed up as an nurse, or healer whatever you liked. It was an suiting one with her personality though, she was caring for others too. She slowly made her way in trying not to make an fool...
  8. Camille Carter

    Wild Patch Club

    Camille Carter Third Year Hufflepuff
  9. Camille Carter

    Third Years

    Camille Carter Hufflepuff
  10. Camille Carter

    Y48 Costume Contest

    Camille Carter as Nurse
  11. Camille Carter

    Y48 Start of Year Feast

    Camille watched the Gryffindor table, and tried to find her sisters. It was not nice, that they were now together and she was alone at Hufflepuff. But ofcourse she wasn't alone, but she felt sad that Tess didn't got sorted in Hufflepuff with her and dad. Thankfully she still had her dad, who was...
  12. Camille Carter

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  13. Camille Carter

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  14. Camille Carter

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  15. Camille Carter

    Open Y47 End of Year Feast

    Camille sat down at the Hufflepuff table. It was a shame that they were last, but Slytherin and Ravenclaw seemed to be so much ahead. And she knew that her own grades wouldn't help much with getting the house cup. When the top point earners were named she applauded. Most loudly for her sister...