Recent content by Bellamy Parish

  1. Bellamy Parish

    Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

    Bellamy didn't like that they had to play in America. Port keys made the whole traveling thing easy but he liked the comfort that came with playing in a place he was more familiar with. But he was still excited to play. He wouldn't dare to be optimistic about their odds but it was his final...
  2. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy waited for the next chaser to take their shot, until then he let his legs dangle in the air as he waited.
  3. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy grinned and was pretty pleased with himself when he was able to successfully block a shot.
  4. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy perked up as he watched their captain grab the quaffle.
  5. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy kept his eye out for the quaffle.
  6. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy watched the seekers fly around and wondered if they were having fun or if was as stressful as it looked.
  7. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy waited patiently for something to happen. As much as he had grown to like playing over the years it was clear it was far from his passion in life.
  8. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy was doing alright, blocking shot then missing the other. With a sigh he tossed the quaffle back in to play and hoped he was just getting warmed up.
  9. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

    Bellamy knew exactly what to do when practice rolled around. It was hard to believe his time playing quidditch was nearly over. His mom had joked a few times about him following in her footsteps but he knew he was no where good enough to even try. He found his way to his usual spot in front of...
  10. Bellamy Parish

    Y47 Beauxbatons Try Outs

    Bellamy could hardly believe that he was in his last and final year at school. And even more miraculous he had stuck out being on the quidditch team the whole time no matter how many times he considered quitting. He knew his mom would be proud even if he had no intention to go pro or anything...
  11. Bellamy Parish

    Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

    Bellamy focused up as the Ilvermorny chasers came his way.
  12. Bellamy Parish

    Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

    Bellamy was getting nervous as his team was getting constantly hit. His own two bludger hits weren't treating him kindly either. But at least he was doing his job as he blocked Ilvermorny's shot and tossed the quaffle back into the game.
  13. Bellamy Parish

    Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

    Bellamy winced as he rotated his arm and could feel where the bludger hit him. He hated that part of the game. Usually as keeper he was out of the way but he just hoped it wasn't an omen as he focused on where the chasers were going.
  14. Bellamy Parish

    Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

    Bellamy was more nervous than usual for this game. At least it was a home game and he was in a familiar place. He knew what he had to do and knew that he was perfectly capable of it. But it didn't stop him from imagining all the ways he could mess up and ruin their chances of playing in New...
  15. Bellamy Parish

    Y46 Beauxbatons Quidditch Try Outs

    Bellamy couldn't claim he was exactly proud of how last season went but he was optimistic, tentatively, that this one might be better. He got to the pitch and listened to Vincent before taking to the air. He gravitated towards the north hoops and got ready for the chasers. He blocked most of the...