Recent content by Beatrice Grey

  1. Beatrice Grey

    Dueling Match #24

    Current Points: 125 Beatrice was ready for Ruth's spell, or so she thought, when she felt it hit her legs. Her knees became bound, and Bea felt herself falling foward, her wand rolling off the platform before her face hit the ground. She felt a lot of pain around her nose and instantly started...
  2. Beatrice Grey

    Dueling Match #24

    Current Points: 135 Beatrice readied herself as Ruth sent another spell her way and blocked it, feeling a lot of her energy draining. This was a lot more tiring than she had expected. Defensive spells were not the easiest to cast for her, and she hoped she could keep up with her competition. The...
  3. Beatrice Grey

    Dueling Match #19

    Beatrice felt okay about her sister duelling first - it gave her something to go off of. She had watched almost all the duels this year so far, trying to study what spells seemed to do if they hit someone and if they fought through them. So far, nothing of note was really happening in Maggie's...
  4. Beatrice Grey

    Dueling Match #24

    Current Points: 145 Beatrice watched as Ruth blocked her spell with, seemingly, ease, and readied herself, blocking the disarming spell the Slytherin sent back. She was surprised she had managed to block it. "Petrificus Totalus," she said. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points...
  5. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Fancy getting you

    Beatrice eyed Kanako as she willed herself not to start crying out of frustration. She wanted to know who the rose was from, but for all she knew, it could be from Kanako herself. "If you do, I'll tell on you so you can't deliver roses again," she said, realizing that may have been a mistake...
  6. Beatrice Grey

    Dueling Match #24

    Current Points: 150Beatrice had been practicing, maybe not quite as hard as her sister, but still hard enough for this dueling tournament. She wasn't a competitive person, but it seemed that everyone in her year had signed up, and the Ravenclaw didn't want to miss out. Having been paired with...
  7. Beatrice Grey

    Open Unofficial Pep Club: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin

    Beatrice was leading the group in another cheer when she heard an eruption come from the Slytherin fans. She turned around to see the Slytherin seeker had caught the snitch and cheered along with them. She knew it was not easy to be supporting all the teams, especially if you were in the other...
  8. Beatrice Grey

    Open Unofficial Pep Club: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin

    Beatrice smiled as Jasper approached the group and nodded with enthusiasm. "Of course! Just try and catch on to the cheers when you can or help hype people. It's pretty simple. We repeat the cheers a lot and some of them rhyme." She took her position once the game started and then turned around...
  9. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Fancy getting you

    Beatrice had managed to find some time to sit outside and read. She had forgotten about the rose from Morrie and had already pressed her rose from Maggie for an art project. The Ravenclaw was minding her own business when she heard a familiar voice. Turning around, she saw Kanako, and her face...
  10. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Red rose incoming

    Beatrice nodded softly as the girl confirmed that Morrie was her sister. She didn't know if she believed in astrology or the universe or anything, but it certainly felt like some cosmic joke. "Umm, you know... around," she said before looking up at the girl. "We're on the paper!" she replied...
  11. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Red rose incoming

    Beatrice paused when the girl shared her name. She had to be related to Morrie, right? They looked alike and had the same last name. "Definitely a good review," she replied nervously. "It was from my twin," she continued, rereading the note and trying to ground herself. "You wouldn't happen to...
  12. Beatrice Grey

    Word Association Game

  13. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Red rose incoming

    Beatrice took the rose reluctantly and opened up the note, relieved to find that it was from her sister. She started to feel bad that she hadn't sent anything to her twin, but Maggie knew she wasn't the gift giving type. "Thanks, umm, sorry, what's your name?"
  14. Beatrice Grey

    Word Association Game

  15. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Red rose incoming

    Beatrice had gone back to working on her paper piece when she heard someone call for her again. Another rose. The Ravenclaw looked up and hesitantly raised her hand. For a second, she thought she was staring at Morrie, but the girl just looked a lot like her. "I'm Bea," she said quietly.