Recent content by Alina Sidorov

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    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear you. Everyone is telling me to let you go. You will flutter off and blossom and have a wonderful exciting life and you can do that without me. But I really just want to try again. It's been a month since we spoke, two that things have been rocky. Too long. I guess I can hope that maybe you...
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    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear this. I want to scream at the top of my pathetic voice really, really insanely loudly. Lots of insanely loud swearwords, y'know? Everything has been totally screwed with, he, my DAD for hell's sake, has screwed EVERYTHING UP. How the hell am I meant to cope? I CAN'T. I'm f*cking INSANE...
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    Dear [Whomever]

    </COLOR>Dear M One step behind? You m'dear, deserve to be right up next to me. (: Olivia<i></i>[hr]<COLOR color="#37AAE0">Dear head Stop spinning. Olivia
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    ;Quiet ones are easy;

    Without really thinking, Alina tore the book out of the boy's hands and opened it to nearly the last page. "I think this-" Alina picked out a sheet of parchment- "is mine. Thank-you very much." Her voice was small, but forceful and sarcastic, but her face displayed nothing. No wonder she'd been...
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    Seven Little girls in two stright lines

    Are Jaimee and Laani still there? If you need me to post anywhere, just tell me :)
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    ;Quiet ones are easy;

    Straight backed, Alina Sidorov appeared to float into the library. Alina wore her black cloak, refusing to stoop to the level of the other students and dress up in those... muggle clothes. She didn't care for appearances. The proud girl gave a slight grimace, reaching behind the books on the...
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    +it ain't a canvas it's a taboo

    veronica+alina +WHOA, i suddenly have a lot more excitement for the holidays :D if you don't mind starting that'd be amazing, i don't intend for alina to be 'bubbly' or happy, but she's content so meh. she'll probably get grumpy and brush veronica off, methinks. hope you don't mind :r...
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    New Pictures!

    some pictures from Auckland last month, boating, and other st00fs that I found. Some of us might recognise them from facebook :tut: I can't find my boat pictures D:
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    +it ain't a canvas it's a taboo

    dederick+alina +METHINKS that might work? i seem to be quite busy too, so that suits us both. haha weren't we just saying we need to roleplay again? xD right, do you want to start something somewhere and i'll post asap?<i></i>
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    +it ain't a canvas it's a taboo

    +BUMPING this topic, i know she isn't exactly the funnest character to roleplay with... but. i'm extending this out to teenagers from all schools, over the winter vacation.
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    +it ain't a canvas it's a taboo

    +ALINA sidorov +DURMSTRANG, this one is empty-hearted and cold-blooded. she sits alone, not really thinking as such but keeping away from the noise. alina has no ambition, no dreams for her life other than to become your typical death eater. she is russian, daughter of adam sidorov. her best...
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    brb - in 'America'

    Pat!! Don't go! Haha just joking. I don't know if I've told you yet (hell, I can't even remember breakfast! :doh: ) but well done on getting into the course-thing! I'm sure you'll do an amazing job with the kids, good luck! (haha they're all the same age as me, just realized xD ) I hope you...
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    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear self. Don't let it get to you. Just avoid those threads and forget it, and remember what he told you. And for heavens sake, stop procrastinating about getting breakfast. ♥ from your brain
  14. A

    Oh Noez!

    Aw. See you upon your triumphant return xx
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    New Kid in Town

    Hey! Welcome to HNZ! This is like, the funnest site I know, so you shouldn't get bored. I reccomend lurking some threads (reading some topics/RPs) and doing a character development if you get bored. Once again, welcome!