Recent content by AJ Ari

  1. AJ Ari

    Open A Treasured Moment

    AJ hummed in what he hoped was a reassuring way, quietly glad Lily seemed open to sticking it out, even if he had no qualms with ditching the party. They’d already done the important part. But he figured Lily would feel even worse later if they did, she was really good at that, so he was happy...
  2. AJ Ari

    Open A Treasured Moment

    AJ knew today was important for Lily. He didn't know the Maid of Honour (best.. maid?) could get pre-wedding jitters too, but he supposed if anyone could, it was Lily. Especially when he knew Elliot and Alice were so important to her. Honestly, there'd be times where he'd wondered if he needed...
  3. AJ Ari

    Minor detail :)

    Minor detail :)
  4. AJ Ari

    Kinda hard to say without a date haha but I'll always have time for you ;)

    Kinda hard to say without a date haha but I'll always have time for you ;)
  5. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    If AJ had been nervous that things weren't going well, it was quickly expelled when Lily reached out to take his hand, keeping it there the second time once the waiter had gone. It was a little difficult, but he did his best to keep their hands linked as the meal proceeded, notably nearly ended...
  6. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    "Ah, so no flying for you any time soon, then?" AJ said, quietly filing that bit of information away for the future and hoping he didn't look disappointed. "It's sweet you showed up anyway for your friends, those stands are no joke, especially when it's windy," he said with a small smile, trying...
  7. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    AJ smiled softly at Lily's laugh, aware he probably looked completely smitten but not sure he minded enough to care. "Yeah, for a few years. I didn't even know Americans cared about Quidditch when I first started at Ilvermorny so it was a nice surprise. Wonder if we ever saw each other at the...
  8. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    AJ bit his lip to hold back what had to be a ridiculous smile when Lily slipped her hand back into his, giving it a quick squeeze but otherwise not acknowledging it just in case she got all flustered again. He laughed at her comment about Blake, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, I think we’re kind...
  9. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    AJ had to clear his throat to avoid spending the rest of the date with a stupid grin on his face after Lily's reaction, face heating at some of her stammering. "It's alright, I think it's cute. And I could definitely pick you up," he said after he'd regained some of his wits. It helped that Lily...
  10. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    AJ tried to repress the urge to smile like an idiot when Lily seemed excited about the restaurant, feeling a warm bubble of hope that tonight was off to a good start. She was walking close enough that AJ could swear he could smell something warm and sweet drifting off her hair, like sugar or...
  11. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    AJ felt his face heat up as Lily took his arm, aware the warm line of her body against his shoulder as she leant against him for a moment before pulling back causing his brain to short circuit for a moment. He had to give himself a small shake when he realized Lily had asked him a question...
  12. AJ Ari

    Closed First Dates

    AJ resisted the urge to shove a hand through his hair as he double-checked the address Lily had given him before knocking on the door. He'd spent far longer than he wanted to admit in front of his bathroom mirror in various states of hair up and down before finally pulling it back in a ponytail...
  13. AJ Ari

    Closed Breaking the Habit

    AJ did his best to keep his face blank as Lily stumbled through the realization that he was asking her out. As if he hadn't been trying and failing to ask her out for weeks now. Was he really that bad at this? "Yeah uh. You and me. On a date. Is that cool?" He said slowly, nodding along...
  14. AJ Ari

    Closed Must Be A Dream

    AJ tried to focus on something other than the warm point of contact that was Lily's arm around his, nodding quickly when she suggested getting something to drink. Drinks were easy, he could do drinks. "Sounds like a plan," he announced, possibly a bit to loud as his nerves took over, trying to...
  15. AJ Ari

    Closed Breaking the Habit

    AJ had already braced himself for some sort of gentle rejection or excuse, Lily was often full of them though he got the impression he wasn't just getting the brush off. Despite how many times he was asked, he wasn't completely certain Lily actually realized he was asking her out. Or at least if...