Recent content by Aika Chen

  1. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    "Really? How didn't I notice it?" Aika chuckled at her brothers obvious statement. "How will I ever survive it?" she acted like she was actually gonna struggle with it, though, it was pretty much impossible. He was her favorite person in the whole wide world, no one meant more to her than he...
  2. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    "Oh, yeah, keep thinking so," Aika scrunched her nose as she teased him further. She chuckled when he summoned the brandy though, how unexpected. "I will enjoy the wine and I will enjoy watching you seeing you come up with ways how to pick up the topic," she chuckled. She knew it was a hard...
  3. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    "What a friend you are," Aika teasingly rolled her eyes. Of course she wanted to know but oh well, she couldn't. Maybe it was better tho, no need to know about someone if he was not gonna be in her life and for now, he was still a stranger and he was just someone that Akihiro knew that wanted to...
  4. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    Aika nodded approvingly. "It's actually a close age to what we were when we moved to New Zealand. Do you know why here? Why Paris?" Paris was a specific city to move to, lot of tourists, not that big and expensive. Maybe back then it wasn't really like that, who knows? Though she was interested...
  5. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    "Oh, come on, Akihiro," Aika laughed out at brother's comment before letting the topic fall. "I know, I know. I don't expect you to marry me off right away, you know that. I am wonderful though, there you are absolutely correct, so it's their loss anyway," she chuckled lightly. She was...
  6. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    "Well, you have my support in this too. Yes, I will be your groomswoman," Aika chuckled before taking a sip of wine. "Dad told me that they didn't really have the money for it and when he had saved enough for travelling, the marriage to mom was arranged. Also, did Chal tell dad where he went...
  7. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    "Oooh, when are you thinking of popping the question?" Aika excitedly asked. It was a big step but she knew Akihiro, he never did and never said anything without being sure in it. Just like Aika. "You are talanted, Akihiro, and hardworking. Just like dad and Chalcedony. You will do it," she...
  8. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    Aika nodded at his words, finally starting to eat. It took her a moment to realise what he had asked just because the food was that amazing. "You are so into her," she stated while looking at him. As a sister, there was nothing more she could ask for than to see her brother happy, in love and...
  9. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    Aika was shocked when she saw her favorite wine. She had found it not so long ago, when she just moved to France. She had wandered into an Italian shop where she found Fragolino, it was a sparkling strawberry wine that she really, really enjoyed. "No way! Akihiroooo," she smiled cheerfully, she...
  10. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    Aika smiled over the shoulder. "You made nabe, I can't believe it," it was surely the sweetest gesture ever. Nabemono had been her comfort food for years, even before they moved to New Zealand, something her dad used to make all the time when Akihiro just went to Hogwarts. "Oh, heart attack is...
  11. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    Aika rolled her eyes a bit when Akihiro snuck up behind her before breaking into a soft smile, chuckling and shaking her head a bit. She had always appreciated Akihiro, the best big brother she could have ever asked for, the only best friend she ever needed. "Oh really? What did you cook?" Aika...
  12. Aika Chen

    Closed Expect The Unexpected

    It had been a while since Aika and Akihiro graduated Hogwarts and they did what they could do the best, they stuck together. After the graduation, Aika moved to France to be closer to her brother and to study there. She tried living in the dorm for the first time but it slowly started to feel...
  13. Aika Chen

    Happy Birthday Mika!!!!

    Happy birthdaaay! :party:
  14. Aika Chen

    Just a small one

    Hey Daphne! I could maybe offer Georgia to either Ezra or Alicia? We could see where it heads and maybe some awkward flirting with her or just friendly interactions. Let me know what you think:p
  15. Aika Chen

    Knitted Jumper Enthusiast Seeking Human Interaction

    Heeey! Remy seems like an amazing old gal! I can offer him Georgia, shes a sweetheart and also a smart sweetheart. Shes one year younger but she could be his study buddy/friend?