Recent content by Abner Becket

  1. Abner Becket

    New inventory now at Madam Malkins! Stop by to get all new accessories

    New inventory now at Madam Malkins! Stop by to get all new accessories
  2. Abner Becket

    Come enjoy 10% off all sales for our back to school specials at Madam Malkins!

    Come enjoy 10% off all sales for our back to school specials at Madam Malkins!
  3. Abner Becket

    Madam Malkin's is hiring! Stop by for an application!

    Madam Malkin's is hiring! Stop by for an application!
  4. Abner Becket

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Abner chuckled, taking Thomas' hand in both of his before reaching to take Aranna and dropping his hand down to brush against the twins as they chased each other around his legs. "I'm sure she's nervous, too, but at the end of the day I'll take the kids and you two can retreat, relax, and just...
  5. Abner Becket

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Abner was excited for the first wedding among his children- even if the most expected one. He made sure to get dressed nicely and couldn't even begin to express his gratitude that he was able to bring @Eddie Kane with him. He'd never thought it would be possible- to actually have a date with...
  6. Abner Becket

    Closed A Clearer Future Ahead

    Abner sighed, running his hand through his hair. "It was one heck of a day," He offered easily. "It's definitely a respectable gig, running the shop, it's just-" He leaned back in his chair. "The shop is doing well, though, the partnership with the Fergussons was really a stroke of genius." He...
  7. Abner Becket

    Closed A Clearer Future Ahead

    Abner chuckled, nuzzling into Eddie's jaw and pressing a kiss to the skin. He pulled back and moved obediently to sit down. "You know I love it," He countered with a light laugh, leaning back in his chair and letting himself stretch, putting out his legs. He admired Eddie as he moved, humming...
  8. Abner Becket

    Closed A Clearer Future Ahead

    Abner had been kept a bit late at work, having needed to take inventory. But he had finished, closed up shop and was headed back home. He felt a little worn out, and used to Eddie not being home when he was finished at work, he just apparated back to the bedroom. He took a shower, changed into...
  9. Abner Becket

    Closed Long Time Coming

    Abner smiled, letting Eddie lead him to the drinks. He accepted it, chuckling softly. "Cheers," He echoed, clinking his glass against Eddie's before taking a sip. He lingered next to his boyfriend, slowly sipping on and appreciating his drink. "To be young," He teased gently, trying to put Eddie...
  10. Abner Becket

    Closed Long Time Coming

    Abner was excited to be at a wedding. Especially one where he could be openly there with Eddie. He thought the ceremony was beautiful, and while he wanted to dance, he had the feeling Eddie wasn't comfortable with it. That was alright, they could dance by themselves in the living room later. He...
  11. Abner Becket

    Closed Let's Be Friends

    Abner chuckled, nodding easily. "Sounds like a good deal to me," He considered what she said about the boys, twisting his fork idly in his hands. "Hm... I think Caspers newfound confidence will do them well," He chuckled, taking the offered drink and taking a sip. "Oh, this is a bit sour," He...
  12. Abner Becket

    Closed Let's Be Friends

    Abner chuckled. "Heads up, I'm bringing fresh baked goodies next time, too," He teased her. "I'll let you know what extra goodies would be good with it," He promised, winking playfully. He continued eating his food, smiling at her words. "Oh, I'm sure it will be sooner than you think. Linden...
  13. Abner Becket

    Closed Let's Be Friends

    Abner chuckled. "How bout some french vanilla?" He teased a bit. He ate his pie, listening quietly as she went on about her kids. He smiled at her as she finished, chuckling. "Something tells me it will be sooner than later that those boys will be getting married," He mused, taking another bite...
  14. Abner Becket

    Closed Let's Be Friends

    Abner laughed lightly. "Well then you can buy the ice cream for it," He teased her, settling into a seat. "We could experiment with Rocky Road," He mused, eyeing the pie. "See if its any good," He turned back to her with a smile. "Oh, they're going well. Addison has started up a talk show, sort...
  15. Abner Becket

    Closed Let's Be Friends

    Abner smiled as Briar opened the door, following her inside. "Oh, posh," He laughed lightly. "Of course I did. We're practically family, family brings cinnamon apple pie right from the oven," He teased. He found a good spot to set it down, careful not to drop it before turning to her. "Thanks...