Ten Layton-King
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  • I need you & Felix to come and stay with me over Christmas this year. I’ll sort things out with West, but it’s well overdue.
    Ariana Layton
    Ariana Layton
    Actually Leda you are my family, regardless of whether or not you want that to be the case. And as your mother you need to respect that I also get a say in the family decisions.

    On the other hand this has nothing to do with you Mervyn, look after your own family.
    Leda Layton
    Leda Layton
    Mervyn is more our family than you'll ever be. How about you just leave us alone, you're good at that.
    Ariana Layton
    Ariana Layton
    If you want to mess around with Mervyn and his little sister then you're more than welcome to.

    That being said Amortentia is not your daughter, and since Olive is no longer here I am more than capable of having a say in both Amortentia and Felix's lives.
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