Y45 Electives Fair

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley was finding herself quite busy on the organizing front as of late, and today she'd be doing double duty. First things first though, and that meant setting up the tables and chairs. Ensuring that every elective course had space, the professor used magic to finish decorating the space, streamers and signage to help make known what was happening.

Content with the set up, Professor Kingsley moved to quickly set up her half of the Ancient Runes table with a rune set, some pamphlets, and other odds and ends before quickly returning to the front to greet the professors and students as they began to arrive.
Cairo arrived at the elective fair cradling a cardboard box containing some muggle items. As she greeted the professor with a smile, Cairo suppressed her nervousness and politely inquired, "Hello. Where would you like me to set up?" If Cairo managed to recruit just one enthusiast student onto Muggle Studies then she would've considered her first elective fair a success.

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley
The electives fair was always a highlight of the year as far as Kahurangi was concerned, and she had been looking forward to welcoming new students in to the wonders of Runes. She greeted her colleagues with a smile and wave as she moved to set up her side of the Runes table, pulling out the usual books and pamphlets about runes, bind runes made by her sixth years, and a few rune bags for interested parties to play with, with her own rune bag set up by her side ready to give readings to any curious students.
Professor Kingsley glanced up from her daydreaming as she was spoken to. "Oh let's see" she glanced around trying to remember which table she'd dedicated for the woman's course. "Ah you're directly across from my table. Oh hey Kahurangi" she gave a wave to her Electives colleague, "It's that one right under the tree." She waved over to the currently empty tree. It had the best shade currently. "And if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I'll be around" she added with a smile.

@Professor Cairo Keller
"Thank you," Cairo replied, happy with the spot she placed her box on the table. She unpacked her assortment of muggle artifacts, offered as conversation starters for students. The items featured were: pens and paper that the students would use in class, velcro strips, fidget spinners, bubble wrap, and a duo of rubber ducks, one dressed as a cop, the other a robber. Purposefully opting for items that didn't rely on electricity to function, Cairo wanted to show how inventive muggles were without magic to solve their problems. The ducks were just for decoration.
Friday was not that interested in electives, it wasn't like her education or getting good grades mattered to her. She was interested in casting magic and having fun. She wasn't sure there was a class for that. She knew that Monday did all the classes, but she was not interested in overloading herself in that. Friday knew that if she had to she'd take muggle studies, since for her, it was the easiest subject. She knew muggles, could pass that class in her sleep, but the rest of the classes, that she didn't know well. Friday arrived at the electives fair, and was just looking, looking at all the different classes on offer and really...not wanting any of them. So, Friday was drawn into the muggle studies stall. "Why have you got rubber ducks?" she asked the woman there.
@Professor Cairo Keller
Enoch already knew exactly what electives he was due to take. All of them. He had known that he needed to be good in all fields, and it was each of his brothers had done before him, so there was no choice. Even if Enoch was trying to figure out how he'd add the additional classes to his work load. Enoch knew other people managed it, but he couldn't see how they did, there wasn't enough time in the day, especially if he was to keep up with Quidditch and with his flute. The boy was looking at the classes, trying to wait out his head of house getting there so he could be spotted, acknowledged to have come along before leaving.
Callie hadn't realised there were electives in magical school, but it made sense, there were branches of magic that she simply didn't know. Like magical creatures, which she knew was a lesson, and the fact that they studied muggles, which seemed odd, though like studying a foreign language. Callie had never been sure what she wanted to do with her life, never been certain about what path she wanted, which was complicated now, by the fact she was magical and new avenues were open. So she didn't really know what to study, and since she couldn't spot her head of house she felt rather overwhelmed with the decisions she was going to need to make.
Cairo smiled warmly at the student's question about the rubber ducks. They were working as a conversation starter just as she'd hoped, "Great, you noticed Bob and Jeremy, these little ducks don't have much of a purpose, they are just here to add a touch of decoration to the display." She explained, "Am I right to assume you already have prior knowledge of muggles?" She inquired with interest to get to know the student a little better.

@Friday Weeks
Teddy arrived at the Elective Fair without a specific goal, he just wanted to gather more information before choosing his classes next year. His first stop was the Ancient Runes table, where he glanced the rune set. A question that lingered on the tip of his tongue but he wasn't exactly sure how to word it. He looked at both Ancient Runes professors, happy to talk to either of them. "Uh, hi. I'm interested in learning how to decipher runes," he began, uncertain about the delicate phrasing. "But my dad insists the fortune telling part is nonsense and not to bother. What, uh, should I do?" Teddy inquired, grappling with the advice.

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley or @Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Kahurangi was pleased when a boy approached the table, leaning forward slightly to answer. "That's actually something I hear a lot. Rune readings make up the bulk of my course." She explained, picking up her personal bag of pounamu runes. "There are a lot of different ways to view rune reading, but I mostly see it as a tool. Your wand is a tool as well, you channel magic with it to cast spells. Runes are a tool that channels your magic in a different way." She reached a hand into her rune bag as she spoke, rustling through the runes. "The runes tell you what you need to hear, not what you should do. More than once I've gotten a reading I didn't like, and it's told me that I actually had strong feelings about a decision I was struggling to make, I just hadn't processed them yet. Like flipping a coin to decide what to have for dinner - if it lands on pasta it might make you realise you actually wanted soup all along. Now." She added, sitting up a little straighter. "Will you enjoy Ancient Runes if you decide to take it?" She drew a rune from the bag, setting it on the table in front of him. "Isa. The rune of ice, representing delays and uncertainty, and taking a cautious approach to things. It seems you're wise to question, and there's no need to make a decision immediately." She smiled. "But if you still aren't sure about rune reading, Professor Kingsley's half of the course covers language, crafting, and history. You could take the class until your OWLs, to learn the language and get a feel for rune reading, and then decide whether you want to carry on to NEWTs."
@Teddy Pirrip

((Yes that rune reading was randomised lol))
Teddy scratched his head, looking at the runes like they were a puzzle he was trying to figure out. "So, like, these little stones tell you stuff, but not like 'you should not eat ice cream,' more like 'maybe think about salad'?" He mused, trying to wrap his head around the concept. "And this one here, what was it, Isa did you say? Says I should take it slow, be all cautious and stuff. Fair enough, it's good advice." Teddy was impressed with the professor's explanation, helping him to consider his elective choices without rushing into anything.

@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
"Exactly." Kahurangi smiled. "There are different configurations of runes that offer different kinds of guidance, and it's up to you how you interpret the guidance they give." She set her personal rune bag aside and opened a bag of wooden student runes. "You can have a go, if you like. Try asking a question and draw a rune with your off hand, and I'll tell you what it means."
@Teddy Pirrip
"Oh, sure," Teddy responded, feeling a bit put on the spot. "Um, will I play in a Quidditch match next year?" he asked, reaching into the bag and retrieving a rune. "I pulled this one," he added, handing the rune over to the professor.

@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Friday looked at the professor as the woman said the ducks names, which felt a little wild to her, but she just looked back at the professor and nodded. "Yeah, I'm muggleborn and I'll be taking muggle studies," she told the woman, "Surely, like phones or a computer would be more interesting decoration though, than rubber ducks," she added. "Especially if you want to make people interested in muggle stuff."
@Professor Cairo Keller
Kahurangi smiled as she looked at the rune the boy had drawn. "Oh, Berkano!" She said brightly. "Berkano is a rune of birth, of new beginnings and growth. It can represent a person's mother, or it can represent a new idea or new task. It also represents transformation, and improved awareness." She explained, setting the rune down for him to see. "So, with that question in mind, what do you think this rune means?"
@Teddy Pirrip

((Rune was randomised again lmao THEY ALWAYS FIT))
Professor Kingsley watched the interaction between one of her Gryffindors and Kahurangi. She didn't speak, however, as they seemed to be getting on just fine without her input. Instead, she glanced around to ensure that other professors and students were getting on alright.
Cairo smiled warmly, "And great to have you in muggle studies. Phones and computers would indeed be exciting, but since technology doesn't work at Hogwarts and I thought it might not be so interesting to look at a broken phone. We'll be exploring technology in your fourth year though and we'll go off site to do so." She told the student, "I appreciate your feedback though and it's something I'll consider for next time."

@Friday Weeks
As the professor had already explained, the reading didn't provide a direct yes or no but suggested the prospect of change. Teddy reasoned that this change might occur if he opted for a different position, a realisation that begrudgingly made sense to him. Not ready to admit that out loud, Teddy nodded, "Uh, I don't know what that means." He replied, "But I see how it works. What happens if you pull another stone for the same question?" Hopeful that the next one would be more promising.

@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Kahurangi knew that the broad nature of rune readings could feel uneasy at first, but she was pleased to see the boy considering it. She smiled. "Well, a second rune could give you insight on a different angle of the question. There are spreads of multiple runes that you can draw to get different aspects of an issue. The three rune draw can give you a view of the past, present, and future of a question, for example."
@Teddy Pirrip
Lucy was in a bit of a pickle. Part of her wanted to take all of the classes, but part of her knew that was a big undertaking. She did have a goal in mind - or at least her parents did. They wanted her to be a healer. She secretly wasn't sure about it. There was nothing else that stood out for her though, at least not yet. She looked around the different electives, noticing Teddy was in conversation with her head of house. She was a little intrigued by runes too, so she decided to talk to the other professor in the subject. "Hi! Um, what sort of jobs can you get into if you take ancient runes?" Lucy asked, a little curious.
@Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Friday didn't think the professor's argument held much water, given that the ducks didn't do anything. They were just things made of plastic, no different than like a kid's crystal ball in this world. "Sure," she said, entirely not believing that the professor would in fact listen to her, she gave a last smile. "I'll see you in class," and with that she turned and continued to explore.
The professor nodded her head at the question asked of her, "Hi there. Well, Anything to do with magical equipment or quality control of equipment since runes can be inscribed into those items...curse breaking...journalism...magical law just to name a few." She smiled at the young girl before her, wondering if she might have other questions.
@Lucy Montague
Benicio walked into the electives fair, but he wasn't sure what to do. Glancing around, he spotted Friday at one of the tables, and so he knew he wasn't going to start there. He went to a fairly empty table and paused. "What's Ar-ith-mancy?" he asked, the word not rolling off the tongue easily.

@Professor Eleanor Schmidt @Professor Lena Williams
Lena always enjoyed the electives fairs, having put together a simple setup as she waited for Eleanor. Arithmancy wasn't the most visual or interactive subject when it came to the fair. However, Lena took it as a moment to breathe from her life duties. She knew she should be encouraging more students to join the class, but it was easier to wait for them to come to her. And as she waited, she finally saw a boy approach, smiling at him as he questioned her. "Arithmancy?" she asked as a clarification, placing the emphasis on the correct syllables. "It's a form of divination and understanding people and things. We use numbers, like your birthday, or give letters a specific number and then look at your name. Then, we use those numbers and interpret the meaning behind them. If you're interested in finding out more about yourself or like basic arithmetic, then it's a great class!" she finished, hoping her rambling didn't lose the boy. @Benicio Matos

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