Willow Luna Cullen

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
28 (1/8/2034)
The Basics
Name: Willow Luna Cullen
Willow, the name of a tree, as it is a tradition in my mums family for members to be named after trees, (traditionally the tree one is born under) I quite like it, it is better than oak or jarrah or eucalyptus.
Luna: as both of my parents are werewolves, so apparently, something moon related was needed, i like it and apparently, there was a cool witch in Harry Potters era called Luna.
Cullen: my dad's last name, and despite the unfortunate link to a family of vampires in some muggle books years ago it is a good name to have.
Character's Birthdate:
Hometown: Wagga Wagga, Australia
Blood Status: pure-ish/mixed blood, on my mum's side both her parents are magic even though she doesn't know, and on my dads side my gran is a witch but my pop was a squib, so I am not sure what that makes me.

Wand: knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Willow is an excellent wand wood for healing and non-verbal magic, the wielder of a Willow wand more often than not has a something about themselves which makes them insecure unnecessarily. it is also the tree i was named after so quite fitting
the Knotts are a traditional wand and are closer to nature.
The essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.
Flexible wands are not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, just like my mum

Hair: naturally it is a ginger colour, however, I bought some muggle hair dye one day and dyed it a more vivid colour, and that is the way I like to keep it. It is fairly straight and quite fine. but it frizes if it gets wet.
Eyes: blue.
Height: tall my her age, and an athletic build
Style: muggle clothing, I like bright colours, you will often see me in a band shirt, old jeans and converse shoes. I am a bit of a tomboy and does not like pink or dresses.
Other Distinguishing Features: most people recognise me from my hair.

A Little Deeper
Personality: I come across as loud and confident. often acting in the moment, sometimes people call me feisty. however, those who know me know that I do also need my downtime. and am a little bit unsure of my place in the world
History: I was born in st mungoes on the night of a full moon. I was going to be adopted but when my mum saw me she decided she couldn't. I grew up on a property outside a town called Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, Australia. it is quite a large property. with paddocks and bushland. when I was younger I used to spend a lot of time outside playing. I also liked spending time with my cousin, I still do.
I went to the Muggle primary school, and whilst I didn't really fit in, I did okay I learned how to play the guitar and that kept me just about cool enough to not be classed as a weirdo, or that the classification of weirdo was used as a joke not in a mean way.
when I was ten and finished year six all the other kids from school went to high school but mum took me out travelling across Europe for a year. which sounds a lot more fun than it was. we started in Spain and walked, ran, and camped our way up to where dad grew up. which was hard work.
I got to spend the time before school at home which was good and it gave me the chance to get my school things.
when I got to Hogwarts I got sorted into Gryffindor house and I was so happy, I don't know what I would have done if I had been in any other house.
Dad: Dederic Cullen: Fisherman. I like spending time on the boat with my dad, while he can be grumpy at times he is easy to hang out with.
Mum: Briar Rowan-Cullen: werewolf support Services worker, wizongamot member and werewolf rights activist. my mum is good and I am more like her than I think. but she can be so busy she doesn't really spend time with me. And when she does I feel like she wants me to be like her when I just want to be me.

Aunt/godmother: Madlyn Margera. Aunt Madlyn is cool. she is part giant so she is huge but I like spending time at her house.
Uncle: Chayton Ateara, mechanic. I like my uncle chay. like my dad, he is laid back and easy to be around.
Cousin: Chante Ateara, Hufflepuff student. Chante is not just my cousin she is also my best friend. we used to hang out a lot when we were younger but now we are at school we are in different ouses. but we still spend a lot of time togwether.
Hii Mia!! I love Willow! I hope it's okay to ask some questions :D (feel free to answer them IC or OOC)

1. What trait do you value most in your friends? Do all of your friends tend to share that trait?
2. When did you first decide to dye your hair, and what made you do it?
3. What was your favourite subject at your muggle primary school? Which subject were you best at, and which subject were you worst at?
4. Which adult in your life, besides family members, has had the biggest impact on you, and why?
5. When you do spend time with your mum, what's your favourite thing to do together?
6. Are you right or left handed?
7. What's your secret talent?
8. What annoys you most about other people your age?
9. Did you bring any souvenirs back from your travels in Europe? Do you still have them?
Hey Clare. Thank you for the comment and thank you for the questions they are really good and good to get me thinking. I am going to try and answer them ic

1. What trait do you value most in your friends? Do all of your friends tend to share that trait?
someone I can have a good time with. people who don't take things too seriously. I feel like most of my friends share this trait.

2. When did you first decide to dye your hair, and what made you do it?
it was my last week of muggle school. we had a muck up day, and as the dye was on sale. I tried it and, I liked how it looked so I played around with different and more long-term colours but I tend to stick around the warm reds and other unnatural colours.

3. What was your favourite subject at your muggle primary school? Which subject were you best at, and which subject were you worst at?
my favourite subject was music. I was best at sport, and I liked English least

4. Which adult in your life, besides family members, has had the biggest impact on you, and why?
I guess aunty Madlyn counts as my family even if we are not technically related. she has always been a big person in my life (especially because she is part giant) I can't really think about anyone else at the moment but I will get back to you when I have a proper response.

5. When you do spend time with your mum, what's your favourite thing to do together?
my favourite thing to do with my mum is to just hang out. I like it when we are making dinner together as there is no pressure to be anyone. and I get food at the end of it. I also like evenings in the summer when we have a bonfire and my mum and dad spend the evening watching the flames and telling stories.

6. Are you right or left handed?
left-handed. it makes people confused when they pick up my guitar.

7. What's your secret talent?
music. I can play the guitar but I am quite shy about it. I am also not to bad at singing but I am even more self-conscious about that.

8. What annoys you most about other people your age?

9. Did you bring any souvenirs back from your travels in Europe? Do you still have them?
not really as we didn't go to tourist destinations. or anywhere that there was civilisation. but i did pick up a pebble that had all different colours in it. which I brought with me even though it was a useless weight.

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