Open Who Has Time For Halloween

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (24)
Minnie was in the library, she had told herself she would try to go to the halloween feast, even if she didn’t have a costume, she would go and at least try to have fun, but she’d told herself she would only go so long as she finished her work, her revision, but it turned out that she was rather good at always having something else to do, there was always one more piece of work to go over, one more piece of work to revise, always one last thing for her to read. She knew the dance was getting started, she was in the library and she could vaguely hear the people heading to the dance, but she had work to do, there was just a piece of revision that she needed to do and then, once she had done that then she could go. It didn’t matter that Minnie was sure her mind would find something else for her to do, she could at least pretend a little like she would be able to finish up and go have fun.
Simon didn't care for Halloween. He thought it was obnoxious and an assault on the senses he could do without. But he was grateful for it tonight, with most of the school at the dance it gave him nearly free reign of the rest of the school, to exist with out anyone else around. It was kind of exciting to be this alone in places that were usually so full of people. He ducked into the library and was surprised to see that he was, in fact, not at alone as he thought. "Hey, what are you doing in here?" he asked, once he got closer and spotted Minne at one of the tables working. "There's a whole party going on down stairs if you didn't know." he joked lightly before sitting down across from her.
Minnie glanced up from her work and looked to Simon, watching as he spoke and then sat down across from her. She wasn't too surprised to see him about, from what she could tell about him he was pretty hard working, so him being here, not too much of a surprise. "Could say the same to you," she replied, as she looked back at her work, she was trying to keep the friendly tone she'd once had with Simon, but since Eric had warned her about him, and she was feeling particularly stressed with everything, she wasn't sure it came across well. "I do usually go, but I don't have time this year," she did say, admitting to why she hadn't gone, why she wasn't at it. "What's your excuse?"
Simon watched Minne closely as she spoke. He thought she was absolutely fascinating and he had never seen anyone work as hard as she did. Part of him wondered if she was really this serous about school or if it was some kind of elaborate act. She made it seem like all of her work was nothing, even though he was sure she probably had the best grades out of anyone he knew. "You could say that." he agreed, but didn't say more and instead he smiled. “You didn’t have time?” he asked curiously. “You really think...this-” he started and gestured to her books and papers. “couldn’t wait till tomorrow?” he asked in a playfully teasing voice. “Or... are you afraid if you leave the library before midnight you'll turn into a pumpkin?” he asked as he crossed his fingers under his chin and looked at her expectantly. "My excuse?" he shrugged. "It's quite sad. I seemed to have left all my costumes at home. A real shame, and I would be far too embarrassed to go with out one you see." he explained, playing up his dramatic excuse.
Minnie shrugged, ”I have quidditch practice tomorrow,” she replied, just to indicate that she didn’t have the time, she didn’t want to go into the fact that she was rewriting something for the fourth time and reading over her work for the sixth time for something else. She didn’t think Simon needed to hear about that. Maybe he would get the drive for perfection but she didn’t want to invite that conversation. She gave a tight smile at his teasing, any other year and she might’ve responded to it but she wasn’t particularly in the mood to joke. She listened to his reason for not going and just gave a second tight smile. ”Do they not have white sheets in Slytherin? You could’ve been a ghost,” she told him, she was trying to be more friendly, to joke about, but she knew her tone was tight and she was immediately looking back at her work. It was maybe nice to speak to someone, even if it was Simon, but she couldn’t be distracted from her work.
Simon made a sound of consideration as Minnie explained her morning plans that were causing her to miss the Halloween festivities. He watched her expression closely and wasn't sure if he completely believed her. He wasn't on the quidditch team and he didn't know anyone who was, but considering she was the only one here he doubted that was the only reason. "All day?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. "Besides, everyone, even the smartest girls in school, need breaks." he said, pushing the topic. Part of him knew it wasn't a good idea and that there was something bothering her, but he also just wanted to see how far he had to go until she admitted how hard she was pushing herself. He knew he wasn't a shining example of a scholar but he knew this was above and beyond. "I guess so." he admitted, about the costumes. "I also could have tried to steal my sisters uniform, but I don't think it would have fit." he joked.
Minnie didn’t make any motion as Simon pushed a little. Instead just holding his gaze for a moment and then saying, ”I guess I’m not one of the smartest girls at school then,” she spoke with a tight voice, her tone sure of itself. Her gaze harsh but it wasn’t towards him mostly his comment had opened her ability to be a little harsh towards herself. ”We learn engorgio two years ago, maybe you’d have been fine,” she replied, she could admit it would’ve been interesting but then she just shrugged, ”Halloween isn’t for everyone,” she said with a little smile, it was forced but she did mean it. ”What are you working on?” she decided it would be okay if she just moved the conversation a long, they could chat a little more but focus on the work they were doing. She hadn’t come to the library to chat afterall, she’d come to be able to revise.
Simon had expected Minnie to maybe brush off his compliment since she tended to be modest when it came to that sort of thing. Not that he could understand why she did that. If he had half her smarts he wouldn’t shut up about it, and he probably wouldn’t be facing the possibility of getting cut off from his family. But deep down he wasn’t sure if all the brains in the world would have saved him from his current fate. “Why would you say that?” he asked softly, taking a break from his usual flippancy. He had heard she hadn't made prefect which he found outrageous. Especially since Sydney was out their running around with a badge. “See, you’re at least smarter than I am. I wouldn’t have thought of that.” he said tentatively when she suggested charming the uniform. “You can say that again.” he said with a sigh. “Me? I was just practicing being a ghost. For next year, obviously. Wandering around an empty castle is the number one skill needed as a ghost.” he said playfully, because that was easier than explaining that he was lonely and restless. "I wasn't expecting to find company." he admitted.
Minnie shrugged, she didn’t really want to get into it with him. She didn’t want to get into it or why she believe it or said anything of the sort. She just shrugged. To her it was just now the truth of the matter. She was just a girl who worked hard, she was not the smartest and not deserving of such a title. She had to focus on her studies. She looked at his as he said she was smarter than him, it was nice to say but she also though perhaps a little unnecessary, she didn’t need him trying to assure her of anything. She rolled her eyes a little and just looked back at the work in front of her. ”Well, perhaps its time to haunt somewhere else,” she told him, ”You’ll be disturbing everyone in this room,” her tone was light, but she was looking at her work and it was clear though she didn’t mind the conversation she wanted to focus on her revision, ”Unless this ghost can figure out how to be quieter and how to study instead,”
Simon frowned as Minnie seemed to brush off his concern and he wasn't sure how to react. He had tried to reach out to her since she seemed truly upset, but she didn’t seem interested at all. He couldn’t explain what he was feeling exactly, but he was horrified that he had even for a second considering bringing up anything about his issues with his father. He leaned back in his chair and watched her look back at her books, ignoring him completely. “Perhaps.” he said coolly, as she basically told him to leave her alone. But he waited to see if she would say anything else, or if he was better off just leaving her be.
Minnie knew she’d been a little sharp and a little cold, but she just super wasn’t in the mood for the conversation that had been heading towards. It didn’t help that she wasn’t so sure she could trust Simon. Of course her lack of prefect status and failures were known to most given how plainly obvious they were but she didn’t need them highlighted any further by him. She looked back up as he replied and just gave a little smile, a somewhat momentarily apologetic smile. ”I can’t slack,” she said quietly as if to explain it and then just went back to her work. She just needed to keep working, perhaps if she managed to finish up soon she might have time for a little of the halloween feast.
Simon’s hurt feelings were soothed momentarily by Minnie’s apologetic smile but it didn’t change the way he was feeling. He felt foolish and he hated that. There was a small part of him that recognized he was being unreasonable. But he couldn’t help it now. The library’s quiet was starting to feel suffocating and all he knew is that he didn’t want to be here anymore. “Well don’t let me distract you.” he said abruptly as he stood and started to leave the library and this whole night behind him.

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