Open Way Too Yellow These Roses

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Open After. Yellow Rose for @Jacob Kingsley
Vader's final rose was for the gryffindor quidditch captain and after some questions to the other gryffindor's someone had told him that he'd find him at the quidditch pitch, so despite the fact that Vader had lots of other things to do, he'd grabbed his camera stand and headed to the pitch. Vader stood in the stands of the quidditch pitch and quickly set up the camera on the stand - not one to pass up improving his quidditch pictures. Putting down the basket with the one remaining flower on the bench beside it. Vader adjusted it slightly and then looked out to the pitch, where there were a number of people either flying around or stood in places, not unlike him. He yawned a little and rubbed his eyes slightly. "Jacob Kingsley?" he called out as loud as he could manage it, before using the magic writing to write the boy's name so that hopefully he'd know who it was who'd called out the name. If the boy wasn't here, hopefully one of the other people flying would tell him.
Jacob usually managed a few laps on the pitch each day. Practicing his position was difficult without a target, and even more difficult to do without volunteers but flying he could practice easily. Hearing his name for the second time today, Jacob glanced down towards where he thought he'd heard the voice and grinned when he saw his name written. The teen wished he had his camera to capture that. Instead, he flew towards the boy, hovering in front of the stands. 'Yea? I'm Jacob" he stated, lifting his goggles. It made things quite blurry but he'd deal.
Vader was pleased when one of the people flying stopped and flew towards him. He lowered his wand and the letter's spelling out the name disappeared. He put the wand away and then looked at the boy, "I have a rose for you," Vader moved to where he'd put the now almost empty rose basket and grabbed the final yellow rose and note from within it. He turned back to the older boy properly and held out both to him, "It comes with this note," The hand over here might be a little more awkward given that he was still on the broom, but Vader didn't entirely mind. He couldn't help but think it would be cool to get a picture of Jacob on the broom with the rose. Vader would ask once Jacob had the note and rose in his hands.
You’re a great friend! Can we hang out soon??

Jacob leaned over and took both the note and rose. He put the stem in his mouth so he could open the note and read it over. It was from Abian and made him grin. He'd be having a full social schedule soon. Between the roses he sent and the ones he'd received, several invitations had been passed. "Thanks!" Jacob said, his voice a little muffled by the stem in his mouth. Tucking the note in his pocket, Jacob took the flower back in his hand and twirled it around. "So, you're all done, yeah?"
Vader couldn't help the slight blush which crept up his cheeks as he watched the boy put the rose in his mouth, which cause his own gaze to drop to the floor instantly. He internally cursed his own reaction, why had that cause such a reaction...He ran a hand carefully through the blonde curls and then looked back at the older boy when he spoke, "Yeah, that was my last one," Vader replied, he motioned then to the camera, "Would you mind if I took a picture of you with your rose? You wouldn't have to stop flying," he asked quickly, hoping he might be inclined to it. "I work for Accio," he added, knowing that tended to make people more inclined to agree.
Jacob grinned as the boy pointed out the camera. It was a much newer model than his own, and a pang of envy passed through him. "Yea, sure" he nodded, happy to take pictures. "So, you just want me to go fly?" he confirmed before trying to find a secure place for his broom. Finally he decided to just hold it with his hands against the broom. He had to put it in his mouth again to move his goggles down and then reposition himself. Then with a grin, he was off. Flying was his favorite thing, and Jacob knew he was good at it. He began to fly, first just for speed and then adding a roll just to show off a bit.
Vader nodded at the question, letting the other boy fly off, with the rose still visible. Vader quickly lined up the shot, and took a moment to just get the best beginning to the picture. Once it was done, he held up his arm to indicate that he was done, and then began dismantling the camera and from it's stand. He had other things to do and should be focusing on them and not just on taking whatever pictures he wanted.

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