Very Short Absence

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Greetings everyone!

I know I haven’t been the most active for a minute but at least starting tomorrow and over the weekend I’ll have an actual excuse lol. I’m going to Las Vegas for one of my best friend’s birthday. He’s turning 30 and we’ve been friends since we were about 4 so I wasn’t going to miss it. And never fear, I'm coming home Sunday night. Hopefully in time for sorting 👀

I’m not bringing my laptop but I should be able to finish off my last few professor tasks on my phone. I’ll probably be lurking a lot with all the end of the year stuff popping off. I might also be lingering a bit cause I only know one other person on the trip, hurray social anxiety!

But yeah, feel free to send me a PM or message me on discord if you need anything! I'll still be around just not able to post easily.
Am home safe and sound! Had a very good time, ate a lot of good food, won a whole $60 and immediately lost it. So a very on brand Vegas experience haha.

Now I'm off to sort my girl! :pop:

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