Upon leaving the Hospital Wing

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Estrella's mind was riddled with thoughts as she turned into the rather empty Third Floor Corridor to continue her rounds of the school. Her fixed nose still throbbed with a dull pain, no longer stabbing but still quite an irritant. She carried herself haughtily and proud as always, never wanting to ruin that composure. For some reason, her thoughts kept wandering back to Athene; her words had carried truth. Was Estrella a hypocrite? Funnily enough, she had been called this twice in the past few weeks, once by Kaela, her ex friend and by Athene, one of her enemies.

Athene rounded a corner, and there was Drage, looking as arrogant as always. Athene snorted, but continued after her.

<COLOR color="green"> she called after the Prefect, but she didn't think she had been loud enough, because Drage didn't respond. "OI!" Her shout resounded through the corridoor, and a first year poked her head out of a class, before disappearing again at the site of Athene marching past her.
Estrella turned at the shout, quite startled to see Athene running after her. She clutched at the handle of her wand in her pocket, considering the fact that the second year might want revenge for Langlock. In any case, Estrella was on her guard this time, and prepared for round two.

"Yes?" she asked, her eyes reflecting a bit of confusion.
"Why'd you lie back there?"</COLOR><COLOR color="green"> asked Athene, in honest curiosity. She wanted to hear it from Drage. She wanted to know if it was because she was worried about Athene dobbing her in for using Dark Magic, or simply because she was worried about Athene dobbing her in, full stop. She wanted to know why Drage didn't think getting in trouble was worth getting Athene in trouble as well. But most of all, she wanted to know if she actually expected Athene to play along and not get nark her out to first teacher she met.

Of course, she hardly expected Drage to tell her all that, but what little Drage did supply was bound to be useful. 'Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,' thought Athene, remembering the quote from Thanatos.
Estrella raised her eyebrow at Athene, inquiring simply, "Why do you want to know so badly? It got you out of trouble, didn't it?" Her voice was at a quiet level so that passerby would have to strain to hear, but Athene could hear it quite clearly. She wondered why the girl was so curious to know why; it had been a blend of things. For one, she plain didn't want to get in trouble, and this hadn't been the first time she'd played around with Dark magic. She had nearly gotten expelled for attempting to use Sectumsempra and a rather fizzled Avada kedavra back during the Stark Manor incident, both spells which she had failed at. Langlock, however, was her specialty; it was easy enough to use, and kept her enemies quite helpless. As far as magic went, anyway. She hadn't been able to use it alot, but knew know that she hadn't lost her touch, as it had worked so well on Athene.
"I suppose,"</COLOR></B><i></i> said Athene slowly, <B><COLOR color="green">"that you expect me to do the same for you." Of course, there was no question that Athene wouldn't - she would never, ever allow herself to be in debt to Drage.

Estrella shrugged, smirking at Athene, her voice little more than a hissed whisper. "I don't care either way- One would expect it to be a rather cordial gesture, but in the event that you are a tattle, I am inclined to believe that a Professor would believe me over you anyday." She shrugged, and she added, "And who's gonna suspect me of using a curse?" It was dangerous to be playing around with the last statement, as she could get in trouble with the dark arts.

Athene was about to snap back with something rude and angry, but stopped herself, and instead a smile spread over her thin, pale lips.

"You know,"</COLOR>
<COLOR color="green"> she said softly, walking carelessly up to Drage so that she could be heard better. She appeared casual, so that anyone one watching would pass their attention over the two instantly. "You actually surprised me there, a bit. Got a bit of a bad streak, Drage?" She laughed softly, her eyes glittering.
Estrella was quite surprised by Athene's tone, as it wasn't harsh and angry. Suspicion still clung around the girl in Estrella's eyes, and she replied, "You could possibly say that." She returned an amused look. "I wasn't exactly expecting that either." She made a punching motion in the air, smirking just a bit, and wondering why she was being so- Civil with the girl.

'Nor did I,'</COLOR>
<i></i> Athene nearly admitted. Attack just seemed to be the natural instinct around Drage for Athene. Although she felt far from assaulting Drage at the current time. And was sure that she wasn't the only one surprised.

The truth was, she was more curious than ever now. She grinned, although it was somewhat awkward. <COLOR color="green">"There might be hope for you yet," she said, before mentally hitting herself. Had she just teased Estrella Drage, in the same way that she would have teased Artemis? But things were different now, she reasoned, nearly in awe. 'Drage practices Dark Magic.'
"What kind of hope?" Estrella inquired, raising her eyebrow, her lips twisted in in a smirk of amusement. She could not believe she was having this conversation with Athene- Any conversation at all was absolutely bewildering, considering the fight that had transpired not an hour ago.
Athene nearly rolled her eyes, and was reminded of another reason why she detested the Ravenclaw. Was she really that slow?

"Well, hope that you aren't really the idiotic, brainless Prefect that you appear to be,"
<i></i> said Athene, quite calmly considering that Drage was more likely to take it as an insult than as the compliment that it was meant to be.
"I knew exactly what you meant," Estrella snapped, looking to Athene, "Honestly, how can you think I'm that stupid? How could someone brainless pull off a Langlock curse like that?" She smirked, pulling away from Athene and crossing her arms. "In any case, it's not like I'm going to jump on that wagon first chance I get. Hope for something like that? There's not much to put faith in when in comes down it." She turned away, considering the possibility of what Athene had said. She couldn't possibly think Estrella was headed that direction, could she?

Athene grinned at Drage's reaction. The smirk, the pride in her voice as she talked about the dark magic that she had used. The way she was nearly boasting about it. and then the way she looked away, avoiding Athene's eyes. It was as though she were feeling uncomfortable. Athene's grin widened as she realized that she might actually, finally, have something on her.

"Don't worry,"</COLOR></B>
<i></i> she said casually, no longer bothering to keep her voice low, <B><COLOR color="green">"give it a few more years. Maybe even less. Who knows? You certainly have potential."
"Don't bet on it," Estrella replied, her expression darkening a bit as she backed a bit away from Athene. As the girl's voice level rose so did hers, figuring that she would be able to talk freely and without any suspicion. "You seem more the type, in any case." She was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable, not liking the calmness in Athene's words, as if the subject were immensely happy and light.

"Me? You really think so?"</COLOR></B>
<i></i> said Athene, as though she were flattered, but she grinned, and stepped back in front of Estrella, her eyes wide and innocent. <B><COLOR color="green">"You know," she said carefully, her eyes meeting the Ravenclaws, "It's not that bad, really. I think you'd enjoy it. Being a bit naughty - a bit of a rebel. It makes life fun."

She paused, and then with a last grin, she walked back around Estrella to leave. "I might seeya around, Estrella."
Estrella narrowed her eyes at Athene, her lips curled into a slight frown as she attempted to assess the girl; she wasn't sure whether to take her seriously or not. But how was she to reply? Certainly, what Athene had said did not constitute a word of thanks.

Deciding to be discreet about it, she replied, "We'll see." She looked back to the girl, quite a bit surprised upon her using her actual name. The two years of hatred and judgment had not exactly peeled away, however, so she found it hard to bring the words to her lips, watching as Athene turned to leave. "See you around, Perth- Athene."

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