House Points Board

Ravenclaw: Hufflepuff: Gryffindor: Slytherin:

Closed Unpleasantries

Hezekiah Mowry

werewolf | grandpappy | scar face
Nov 28, 2011
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
11 1/2 Inch Knotted Oak Wand with Raven Feather Core, Swishy
Hezekiah Mowry did not think of himself as a difficult person to deal with. He knew he was unpleasant, but that did not bother him. He felt like his coworkers were used to it by now, especially Monty. He and the Deputy Headmaster had their differences, but he felt like they got along. Hezekiah felt like Monty was his only friend in this castle. He knew that if he wanted to make more friends he should try and be nicer to people, but it was just so hard to do. The man walked into the Great Hall, intending to go sit at the Staff table to eat breakfast. He was walking slower than usual though. There was a Quidditch game later on today. Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Rama's boyfriend was the Gryffindor seeker. He was graduating this year, and it made him wonder what his and Rama's next move was. He could not help but be curious about their situation. He also wondered if Rama had told him about his condition.
Syrus had meant to speak to Professor Mowry as soon as he returned from the school break. It had been his main priority to speak one-on-one with the professor and see how he could mend the relationship between him and his daughter. That was the plan until Leda spread these false rumors about him, and someway, somehow Rama heard about them. Rama had questioned these rumors and questioned her trust for him. That did not sit well with Syrus, after he had promised he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their relationship, Rama consider the possibility of believing these rumors to be true. If that was her take, Syrus didn't have much to say to her. Contact between them fell off, though he still had these urges to confront her father. And it looks as though he was going to get a chance just before his last quidditch game. Syrus stood up abruptly, leaving his meal behind as he approached the professor. "Professor Mowry?" Syrus had somewhat of an idea what he was going to say, but it didn't help him any if he resembled a deer caught in a car's headlights.
Hezekiah often thought about his daughter. He loved Rama, but it was just very difficult showing it to her because she was so difficult to deal with. He wondered sometimes if kicking her out after graduation was the right thing for him to do. However, she had handled the curveball very well, which he admired in the girl. She was very clever. She may have not been the most studious student, but she was smart in other ways. She knew how to plan, and she always had her ear to the ground. Hezekiah heard his name, and he turned to see Rama's boyfriend. Stilinski. He did not really care about who her daughter chose to date, as he had some bad picks when he was younger. However, he hoped Stilinski was not one of Rama's bad picks. "Do you need something? Shouldn't you be preparing for your game?" he asked curiously.
Syrus stood idle for a second there before he snapped back to reality. "No preparation needed if you're playing for third place," Syrus responded, not as enthusiastic as his other teammates. He was in a sour mood over that and wished Lizzie was still around. The girl was surely missed, she always knew how to rile up their teammates when their mood needed tuning up. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about Rama," Syrus hesitated a second there before he felt gutsy enough to say what was on his mind. "It may not be the right time to talk about this, but I really care about her. I may ask her to marry her one day, and if I do it just wouldn't be right if you're not part of her life. Y'know, is there any way to fix the problem between you two?"
Hezekiah nodded his head to acknowledge that Syrus was making a correct point. It was not like they were going to win the cup this year if they won this game. The man knew he would not like this conversation as soon as he brought up Rama. Hezekiah's scarred face became even more unpleasant to look at because he was now angry. At this point, he felt that Syrus was being nosy. However, he commended the boy for his dedication to Rama. "20 points from Gryffindor for being nosy." he stated. But then he continued. "However, if this is something important to you, I suggest that you talk to me over drinks after you graduate. Make sure to tell Rama though, she won't appreciate you blindsiding her." he told Syrus seriously. If he was going to talk about this, he was going to get drunk in the process. "Now, if you will excuse me." he ended the conversation and proceeded to walk towards the staff table so that he could enjoy what was left of breakfast.
This is not how he pictured the conversation between him and the professor to go down. Syrus stared at the man's scarred face rightfully confused. That's another thing that was on his mind, Syrus never really got a good look of the professor's face up until now. He had questions, more questions than before. "Wait, what? Twenty points for being nosy?!" It was a personal thing, it was nowhere school related! Syrus thought the professor was being unfair. "I think you're being a little unreasonable, I did nothing wrong professor," Syrus retorted. "This is a personal matter, nothing school related. If that's what you suggest then so be it, but you can't take points for that!" Syrus could hear himself get loud, and followed the professor to staff table as to not cause too much of a scene. "I'd think Professor Kinglsey would agree with me if she asks what happened, professor," Syrus would say as he lowered his voice.
Hezekiah groaned loudly at Syrus. This was very annoying. He did not apply for this job to be annoyed by incompetent children who did not know how to mind their own business. "It is because it is a personal matter that I am taking points. There are times and places to do things, and you said yourself that this was not the time nor place to ask me this. You did this to yourself, Stilinski. Now don't be so dramatic." he said as he turned back to the boy. Hezekiah raised an eyebrow at Syrus's next statement. "I am also sure that your Head of House would not appreciate you trying to threaten me to give points back. If she feels that way, she can give you twenty points back. It's simple." he said and crossed his arms over his chest. He waited for the boy to say something back, as he was sure that he would have something to say.
Why did he think this had been a good idea?! He was quickly regretting approaching Rama's father, had he known it was a terrible idea he wouldn't have done it. "With all due respect professor, I think you're being dramatic by taking twenty points away for a personal matter. A fair warning would've been logical," he tries to tell the older wizard. Syrus, stupidly digging himself into a deeper hole with that remark. Syrus sighed, bowing his head. He contemplated what else he should say, he was coming up empty since he didn't want to risk losing more house points. "Whatever, and for your information professor, I'm nosy because she is my girlfriend. And that won't change unless we decide to end the relationship," god, he hopes that won't happen. He really loves Rama. "I was trying to help, trying to make things better between you two. I lost my dad when I was young, he died from cancer. I barely knew him," Syrus added quietly then turn away from the professor. He had to get ready for this game.
Hezekiah did not appreciate being called dramatic, even if it was true. He proceeded to roll his eyes. Rama sure knew how to pick them, but at least Hezekiah knew that she was in good hands. There were not very many times when Hezekiah was speechless, but this was indeed one of them. He had grown up with two parents and several siblings. Rama had not had the same opportunity. "Look. I am sure Rama has her own plan on how to fix our relationship. I know we aren't the easiest people to deal with, but sometimes we just need time. I need time away from her, and sometimes relationships get better with distance." he said. He sighed an placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's unfortunate about your father. Like I said, once you graduate, we can discuss things like this as two adults. It just puts me in an awkward position to talk about this now." he admitted. Normally he was no so soft sober, but this was a time when he needed to be the adult. He put his hands together. "Now, you will earn those points back once you win the game today. Good luck." he said.

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