Open Too Old For This

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel had a couple of spare hours and had decided that he'd go to the park. He was sixteen now and too old for the park, especially as there were a lot of little kids in the park currently, but he welcomed the opportunity to do something childish. His life was all about exams, classes, his future and all that, it was nice to step back and just be able to enjoy the way in which being on the swings felt. He was being careful, mindful to not accidentally hit anyone as he made the swing go relatively high. Though he was mostly just enjoying himself in the act doing something a little more childish than he would normally.
Basquiat was at the park with his little sister, Zora, as she wanted to play a little and he had some time to take her before going to work so he let her run free while he stood waiting for her when he noticed out of the corner of his eyes, someone from one of his classes. If he were truthful he had no idea what the boy's name was but it wasn't like he was going to have a conversation with anyone else here so he walked over to the swings and started to pump his legs to get higher and faster, trying to match the other boy's speed and height when he said, "Hey. Didn't think I'd see anyone else our age while I'm here with my sister." He didn't really need to share the last bit but he didn't want to seem uncool.
Emmanuel had been enjoying his time in the park, and was a little in his own world until he noticed that there was a boy his own age next to him. He gave as much of a smile as one could while swinging back and forth as both he and this boy were. "I had a couple of hours free, and figured after the stress of OWLs, I was allowed some fun," he said. 'I have no siblings to join me," he added, knowing it was probably still a bit weird but he didn't mind.
Basquiat nodded his head, understanding what his peer meant entirely. OWLs had kind of wrecked him and he had not performed near as well as he had hoped but all things being equal he did think that with the amount of graduates of Hogwarts - high performers even - who worked retail he suspected his education didn't even matter anyway. But this was what he had heard through the grapevine. "How'd you do on OWLs? I choked," he admitted. Bas continued pumping his legs on the swing, to get higher. Between screwing up on the Quidditch team and his OWLs his ego was pretty bruised but he was trying to keep a brave face on for his kid sister who would be entering her second year soon.
Emmanuel gave a little smile at the question. He felt bad for what he was about to say, given that he knew that everyone had their own strengths and that exams were difficult and not necessarily a measure of intelligence. His OWLs had gone well, it had been pleasing to him that they had gone well. "I got straight O's," he replied, a little sheepishly. "I was pretty much only studying by the time it was exam week."

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