Three-Legged Race: Sidelines

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
OOCOut of Character:
Here is where you can post if you'd like your character to be a non-participating observer of the event. Follow the race here.
Eying the lineup of competitors, Sawyer was privately glad he'd opted to let Thistle and Felix tackle this particular activity without him, considering most of the other students couldn't have been much older than 13. It was easy enough to spot his siblings on the starting line, their matching green hair looking even more luridly green together under the sunlight and Sawyer resisted the urge to try and conjure a hat to cover up his own. "Working together, Thistle!" Sawyer called as the race started and Thistle let out a roar before they started moving, shaking his head fondly at the pair before whistling in support as they started moving.
Emery had given Rāwhiti an emphatic no when he had asked him to join him in the three-legged-race, but he was still here to support his friend. Still, seeing him with some random girl made Emery frown. She better not try to become his best friend now. He crossed his arms as he watched, not bothering to cheer for him as it was unlikely he would even hear it. As he saw the other kids stumble and struggle, he felt more confident about his decision not to join. There was no reason to be so undignified in public.

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