Closed There When You Need

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (25)
Lily felt so frustrated anymore. She was trying, she was. Elliot was happy with Alice. Lars had Blake, Clifton had Knox. Everyone seemed to have someone. Everyone except for Lily. She tried not to blame herself, really, she knew it wasn't her fault even if it did feel like it. She had been in the kitchens all morning, trying to make cinnamon rolls, but the dough wasn't co-operating with her. She was tired, covered in flour, and just worn out. What was she forgetting? She must have been forgetting something. When yet another batch of dough turned out wrong, Lily could feel the tears in her eyes. She let out a frustrated groan, dropping the bad dough onto the counter with a plop, even more flour jumping up into the air and laying over Lily, leaving her as freshly powdered as a newborn baby. She sighed, turning and sliding down to sit on the floor. She pulled up her knees and rested her head in her arms, trying to control her breathing. She just needed a moment, that was all. She just needed some time to think.
Selene had been busy today. she had been in the library reading through books and trying to get a head start on her study. she had got so absorbed in a book about the use of magic in the shamanic culture of North America and northern Europe that she had completely forgotten to leave and get some lunch. her stomach let out a grown of complaint and she looked at her watch only to realise that it was already mid-afternoon. no wonder she was hungry. she packed up her things and asked Stefan to keep the book to one side as she would be back soon before making her way downstairs. she knew her mum's office was closed and her mum always had food. but she just fancied a visit to the kitchens. she had forgotten until now that she had had a dream about being there a couple of nights ago. the details had totally slipped her mind. but as she descended the stairs bits slowly came back. almost like a deja vu feeling that she got every now and then. she was sitting in there but not eating. it had been a weird dream.
she opened the door and was just about to talk to the house-elves when she saw a mess on one of the benches. and in a heap on the floor next to it a blonde-haired girl. "are you okay?" she asked moving towards the girl she reached her and was just about to slide down to the floor next to her when she realised who It was. "Lilly. what is wrong?" she asked reaching the floor and putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. she would have given her a hug to comfort her but she would give the girl a chance to move away as not everyone was like her and liked hugs when they were upset.
Lily nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard someone speak, pulling away and looking up with startled blue eyes. "Oh, Selene," Lily let out a shaky sigh, almost leaning in for a hug but stopping herself. "I-i-i'm, ah, I'm sorry," she stuttered, patting away uselessly at the floor that covered her. "I d-d-didn't, um, didn't hear y-you come in," she didn't raise her eyes to meet Selene's, worried she might start crying if she did.
Selene saw Lilly look up at her. not for the first time, Lilly reminded her of a deer caught in a spotlight light. "I'm the one who should be apologising. I didn't mean to make you jump" she said. taking in the situation a little more. there was a white dust over everything. the floor, the benchtops and most coated of all was lilly. the girl was all curled up against the wall and folded in on herself holding herself in. "what's wrong?" she asked again her voice gentle as she put her arm around lillys shoulders a half hug holding her like her twin used to held her when she woke them both up with nightmares.
Lily let out a soft sigh, leaning her head on Selene's shoulder and shutting her eyes. She relaxed slowly. Cuddling always made her feel better, even if it felt harder to find anymore. Though she supposed she could take off and find Ren at any point. He was usually good to cuddle. She bit her lip. "I'm sorry, you're getting covered in flour," She apologized quietly. "What are you doing down here?" She asked, peeking up at Selene through her hair.
Selene felt lilly relax against her. and he held her tighter. focusing on her breathing and making it slow and steady hoping that it would calm her down a little too. she rubbed lillys shoulder in what she hoped was a soothing manmor as she apologised for the flour. "Dont worry about it. one charm and it will all go away. i get in much worse messes in my grandma's kitchen" she said. "Besides it is kind of cool we can pretend to be ghosts" she said hoping to get at least a bit of a laugh.
when she was asked what she was doing down here she chuckled slightly. "I was in the library and lost track of time and only just realised I missed lunch so I was hoping that the elves would give me something to see me through until dinner." as if it was listening or maybe just her thinking about food selenes stomach let out a plough grumble "See, it is kind of about to distract everyone in the library" joked. again trying to make the situation a little less miserable.
Lily let out a breathless laugh, trying to pull herself together. She snuggled into Selene for a moment before standing again. "You can't stay hungry. Do you want to help me make cinnamon rolls?" She asked, thinking maybe talking it out might help her actually make the stupid treats. Like she'd been trying to for the last hour.
Selene felt lilly close for a moment. and truth be told she enjoyed the warmth of having someone close to her. it reminded her of helia when they were younger and they would hardly ever be out of arms reach of each other. except for then, helia was the stronger one and she was the one needing comfort. or maybe helia also needed the comfort but showed it differently.
all too soon lilly was up and standing again. asking if she wanted to help make the rolls. "Sure just let me ha... the rest of her sentence died in her throat as before she could say "ve something to eat" a plate was right next to her holding enough sandwiches and savoury pastries to feed a classroom. "thank you" she said to the elf holding it aloft over its head the creature let out a shill squeak of excitement before putting the tray down and scurrying out of the way. "Help yourself. and what do you want me to do" she said between mouthfuls her stomach suddenly starting to gurgle again.
Lily giggled lightly as a house elf appeared and offered Selene some food. Lily walked over and took a small pastry herself. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I've been working with the same dough for over an hour and I just can't get it to co-operate." Lily sighed. "It's the weirdest thing, I never have this much trouble with a recipe, much less one so simple," She sighed.
Selene stood up and dusted some of the flower off herself only to end up spreading it further. "let's have a loot at it? she asked examoninf the dough. "well that is very well kneaded" she said feeling a bit of the dough. "you may need a little more oil. it is touch dry" she said "once it is mixed in it should be ready to roll" she said. she had baked a lot. and she enjoyed it but never really bread. she was more a cake o pastry kind of person. "do you want to add it or do you want to make sure the filling is all ready and cinnoman rolls are not that simple" she asked. she didn't want to take over as they were Lilly's rolls but she also didn't want lilly to be stressed.
Lily listened quietly to what Selene had to say, nodding. That made sense. She sighed, rubbing her eyes. She must really be out of it. "I should probably knead in that oil, then flatten it out, spread the filling over it, and roll it." She nodded, moving to find the right oil. "Thank you, Selene," she spoke softly, feeling a bit shy again.

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